For the life of me, I can't imagine why anyone would want clothing from Lil'Donnie or Isvespa when you see how poorly his clothes fit him and how ugly her clothes look. If they can't dress themselves properly what on Earth would make me think they could dress me?

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Seems pretty appropriate to me, but then I didn't pay attention in High School when we were reading Shakespeare. Sorry Mrs B, where ever you are.

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I liked Carter in that he was realistic about the world rather than Ronnie's "No problem is too complex to not have a simple answer". Too many people want the simple answer and are willing to ignore reality and screw themselves and me in the process. Trickle Down and MAGA are all the same pile of BS.

Carter shared a common problem of many recent presidents (LBJ excepted) in that they didn't have enough time in Congress to know how to get things done and had to really on staffers who really weren't up to the job. I suppose its a good thing when you think about how much more damage would have been done if Nixon, Reagan, Bushes or Lil'Donnie were as effective at getting things done as LBJ was.

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Shrub fingerpaints and eats paste.

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But Donald J Trump Collections give you the choice of dressing like two entirely different billionaires, first (arguably) Donald J. Trump and alternatively, Bill Gates.

Actually, I've got photos of some of my buddies' weddings where they are wearing economical rental tuxedos, and despite their obvious physical imperfections they still manage to look better than both Trump and Gates combined.

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By now, I feel certain that someone proficient with photo shop has already created an image of Hair Furor with his head on a pike. And probably another on a loudmouth bass, a pickerel and a carp.

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There was a time when they all did. Even the ones you didn't like.

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He eats the paint, too. You don't think he makes those messes using brushes, do you?

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I hope all those Tumpanzee fanbois realize that when those jobs come back to America, the work is going to be done by brand, spanking, new, state-of-the-art robots.

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Whatever low animal cunning it takes to fill BillO's shoes, it going to be too much for that fucker, Tucker Carlson.

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Whatever, it is certain Muck ... er ... Tucker Carlson isn't But I would like to sew him into a union suit and sew the head hole shut.

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Especially Politicized Asshats?

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He took her to South Korea. It's a long flight and he probably needed her to cut his dinner up for him or something. But I didn't see her in any of the photos of the demilitarized zone. Too dangerous for wimminfolk.

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Aunt Lindsey will haz a sad.

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OMG! It's just like the Inauguration. We'll be hearing about this every day until football season starts again. If he had seen the 2015 photo, he would have made the audience stand on the steps.

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A friend brought me back an official MAGA hat when he was in the states. Guess where it was made...

https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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