And you deserve kindness. Yer a GOOD ONE, and you take care of yourself, okay?

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< 3

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As a general rule what I hear most members of the military say is that they're doing their 'job'.

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Now THIS comment made me laugh out loud! Bravo!

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Too bad the D's can't run a strong media campaign and take over as the party that is thought of as the one that is much more in support of veterans like me.

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Duckduckgo is your friend, and does not sell your info,

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(While ignoring that they're trying to unmask the whistleblower, for no other reason than vengeance.)

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I've said it before and I'll say it again. You know those ellipses in the "transcript"? That's where Trump absolutely spelled out quid pro quo (possibly in those words) for the Ukrainians. Because he assumes everyone else is as dense as he is.

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I have seen many military members with TBIs that have been misdiagnosed as psychiatric behavioral disorders. The military and President have been getting it wrong for a long time because they don't want to admit where the injury came from or pay for the treatment necessary.

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The body parts were alphabetically organized, so he went kinda nuts on the Adam's apple.

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To be fair, Tom Cotton has been on Lying Duty every day of his life, so this is nothing new.

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Trump has the perfect facts. They are facts and they are perfect. Big guy, tears, Sir, God Blemph Ambullia.

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See, here is why the late-night comedians are better sources of news than the Sunday morning access and gab fests.

The comedians would be prepared with that Python clip, ready to run when Cotton farted out that feeble defense.

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Refresh my memory.

Does the T in TBI stand for "Traumatic" or "Tut-Tut, That's Nothing?"

Also does the B stand for "Brain" or "Bonespurs?"

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Come on now, you're not doing justice by not mentioning Oliver North.

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without the helmet he'd a been dead, I'm guessing.

I rafted the New R. years ago, a guided trip; that is some beautiful country.

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