I notice the thickness of the cloth. It is thick enough to be armor. I hope she soon leaves that unhealthy relationship and goes to a place where she can feel safe enough to wear less armor-like clothes.

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And yet, he's both incapable to analyze that audience or to even see the need for it.

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in order of decreasing size (each 1/1000th of the previous), it goes milli, micro, nano, pico, femto,...Anyway, nano is 1/1000th of micro.

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That would make a lot more sense.

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Why was the gay bunny from John Oliver's children book there? Mike and Mommy Pence specifically removed him from the guest list!

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But he has all the best STDs. And, if you look, and everyone is saying, but he has more of the biggest STDs than ever before!

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Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

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Yes, and it's a BIG wrapper, especially the part that wraps around his giant, ponderous ass.

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For better or for worse, honey...


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Squirtguns, at least. With highs topping out just above 40F, I don't think anyone was throwing buckets of water.

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Isn't it a shame that no one warned us of this situation BEFORE the election so we might could avoid it? Really. If someone had just said, I doubt he woulda been elected Russian meddling or no.

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Marlon Bundo! 🐇

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OMG. That’s horrifying.

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The Kremlin's idea of a bad Yelp review?

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I was in line at my local post office on a Saturday morning when the long line was moving slowly because they only had one person working out front. An older, obvious conservative couple in front of me kept complaining about how inefficient government operations were. I wanted to tell them there was a Fedex store three blocks down the street where they could mail a letter without having to wait in a huge line like the damned post office.

And, it would only cost around $14.00 to mail that letter.

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I can hear apocalyptic organs playing just by looking at it.

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