Looks like a boxer rebelling.

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That's what Trump meant by "winning." He's surpassed those other events. "We're #1!"

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But...but...but...beer? There has to be beer.

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Andrés sounds nice.

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He would have charged them.

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The Montana guys may have vacationed in PR at some point.

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They weren't afraid to come out of MontanaThey were as nervy as they could beThey were hired to get the juice flowingIn Puerto Rico, part of the US of A.

Two employees, not one more.That's all they had, not one more

It was a rinky dinky stinky ZinkeElectric company doing griftyThat was hired on that day

It was a rinky dinky stinky ZinkeElectric company doing griftyThat was the best anyone could say.

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As smarter people than me have repeatedly pointed out, hire people who have an anti-government ideology to run the government and it will flounder. Then, of course, it's all "Look, government doesn't work!" What's surprising to me is how many times people can be fooled by this.

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For the first time in 20 years (literally) we'll be with a nest of rampant librul socializmus Trump-hatin,' atheist-acceptin,' race-mixin' gay-includin' and transgender-embracin' family. I'm hoping that we can give thanks for more indictments. There may be nuances to chew on but no turkey leg throwing. Hallelujah!

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See also; Third base, born on.

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I am shocked. Shocked, I tell you, to find there is gambling going on in this establishment.

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I'd like proof that those checks allegedly sent once called out actually arrived, thanks.

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I feel like eating at Jaleo this weekend

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Nor do people that resent competence. The combination of both is a killer...

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Mongolia. Tibet. Etc.

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I wish I could get hit by a hurricane so people would bring me food! I have to walk all the way down to the 7-11 for a frozen burrito, and microwave it MYSELF! Wypipo lives matter!

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