Really. Well, she really did have a great mentor.

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Sometimes a psycho is just a psycho.

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Who knew that the St. Patrick's Day slogan should have been "Keep your distance, I'm Irish"?

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This is Trump's Quisling moment.

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To get Trump to pay attention, Obama should have repurposed that book as a whore's vagina.

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Yup. She'd have just murdered us outright with uranium benghazi style in the pizza parlor basement* when she wasn't dying of various things and just being a shrill, over-prepared, pantsuit wearing vagina-haver.

*(wingnut Clue).

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The cough at the end should give it away.

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Gwen Ifill

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Speaking of aircraft carriers look what your tax dollars are paying for now. https://taskandpurpose.com/...

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♫Come on baby, don't fear the reefer♫

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Thank you Evan. Someone time traveling five years from the past to now would not recognize this country. They'd think your column was some form of chilling dystopian SF, instead of a recap of another day of U.S. Crazy...

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With tRump, the power lies with the last person who whispers in the king's ear (at least until the next person whispers).

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It used to be Americans would be horrified to have The Most Despised President in History, now it's 'meh'.

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Leading with his behind.

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sure, but I personally like the explicit ovary/lady bits reference.

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So I guess the doctors and nurses and medical techs begging us to stay home and keep distance and slow this monstrous situation that is overwhelming their capacity and putting them at risk of dying right alongside their patients aren't "real people" according to Trump. God, he is a horrific human being. It makes me sick to my stomach that anyone supports him.

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