Basically, it's political farce. Ideologically the GOP must follow through on repealing the ACA. But they're facing resistance from a number of sources including the insurance industry, medical and hospital associations, interest groups like AARP, etc., not to mention the apparition of some 22 million people losing insurance coverage. So their caught in a bind. Their plan appears to be to produce a smoke and mirrors trick that allows them to wave their ideological flag and replace the ACA with a remarkably similar plan branded with the GOP label that will not actually be activated for several years of "transition".

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Ya know, I just have difficulty calling what the GOP says they stand for an "ideology". I'm no political scientist, but the hodgepodge of partisan political bullshit that is so commonly characterized as "conservatism" just sounds like the whinging of a bunch of spoiled children - no consistency except that it opposes anything they don't like and which doesn't provide them with any direct interest.

I guess in that sense, they have to follow through on their umpteen attempts to repeal....

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Yea. Obama was sort of an aberration. On the other hand, last week we learned for sure what we all knew, that Nixon killed about half the people on that wall so he could be President. And also that nobody cares.

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He's already violated the Logan Act. http://www.voanews.com/a/ev...

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Back in the 80s the US Customs offices where my mom worked would have a Black History Month event with what my white Southern mom called "the kind of food everybody ate when I was growing up" - fried chicken, black eyed peas, etc - and what her black New York co-worker boycotted because "nobody ate that stuff where I grew up".

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If only history would repeat itself...

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I tend to mostly agree. What I see is the insurance companies and big providers losing 22,000,000 customers and their money. That is a lot of revenue to make up. In theory both providers and ins co's would have to raise prices and premiums sky high, that even Republicans could not afford. I also see smoke and mirrors as Trump and the GOP have nothing to replace it with.

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Da Comrade ! Ees only joke ! Ha Ha ! Now to commercial ........Now ! Get the Black Market Edition of Moscow Girls Gone Wild, with Famous American Celebrity !! Cannot say who, must buy !Only 769,000 RUB ! Order now !

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With respect, I see a lot of people in these non-existent comments talking tough about killing Nazis, guillotining the corrupt ruling class, pitchforks and torches etc. I hope some of this is actually happening outside of big talk. Even active planning for peaceful protests would be okay, in the short term.

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That's the same food I grew up on.

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Alas, I have only one vote to give for the Ellison ref.!

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<emphasis>Can</emphasis> you activate the nuclear codes without the cyber?

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While I'd be _delighted_ to see him charged, I figure the odds he actually has any significant, new information are near zero. Odds are, rather, he's going to try to sow confusion, claim there's actually meaningful doubt about the intelligence community's conclusions. Standard lying shit move when trying to run down conclusions that don't go where he wants: _any_ uncertainty, however statistically negligible, he'll seize on and try to magnify. And see also Merchants of Doubt. And FUD. And so on.

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President for life would be pushing way too hard but President until an election supervised by the UN and uncorrupted by GOP governors and foreign dictators would work.

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"And here’s your morning Nice Time, baby elephants!"

Great, now I've got a Henry Mancini earworm:


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