You can be sure the Repugnicans will come after her with every vile, mean, low, sleazy, repulsive, loathsome (you get the idea) lie they can sling at her. Go, fight, win Democratic Socialists!

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Super-elites? Well, good on those super-elite tweekers.

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He probably only remembers "Twin Peaks", if that. He probably caught about five seconds of it while channel surfing back in the day, and thinks "Hey! Dead naked girl wrapped in plastic! Cool!"

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Yes, and summer isn't over yet. This might be the one.

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"Never unintentionally rude" was how I heard it.

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As aerospace engineers and college presidents. Sure.

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Trump calls press "the enemy of the people".

Press responds: "Thank you, Sir! May I have another?"

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The Democratic nomination in an NYC Congressional race has been as good as a win for the last 30 years or so.

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"tone policing resistance to fascism" Well put.

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Hasn't the Devo tribute Ska-Metal thing been done to death? I guess the Meth will add a jangly urgency to the vibe, but I'm a little skeptical it'll take off

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And then the murders continued.

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And even if they did, they're in the bracket that goes up after 5 years.

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Only makes sense for folks indoctrinated with "an armed society is a polite society"

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He only watches Fox News and can't read, so no. It would be funny trying to watch him understand any of Lynch's films though.

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It looks good. It's an overwhelmingly diverse and progressive precinct.

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Even for Trump that was a deranged speech. So many bonkers comments - my favorite is "We have the greatest face in the history of politics." Umm well you will go down in history, but not for the reason you want. And shut up about how you won the election for five minutes - it's not something we are going to forget.

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