Which means you straight libtards need to start outbreeding the RWNJ's.

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Your right about that. The fact that Trump was skeevy about a kid the same age as my grand daughter has me angry and too quick to judge. I'm mostly worried about any trolls showing up here and seeing the name of that kid.

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My kids both watched the second debate...

I'm now wrestling with the odd pang this just _feels_ like bad parenting. Granted, both are old enough I can hardly protect them from the knowledge a dangerous demagogue, who, along with his supporters, is becoming increasingly worryingly unhinged, is running for this very powerful office...

So I'm reconciled to it, I guess, well enough. Still kinda wish they didn't have to see this, though.

Seriously, the skeezier stuff about Trump the last few days, I even feel I should huddle closer to my phone, reading. Yeah, little girls who might see this, there's an orange monster in the world who does really gross stuff to women then lies, says they were too ugly for that. Let me at least isolate the ick, keep it between me and this screen.

So, yeah, kid writing approving letters to him? Ummm... Yeah.

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The kindly nuns where I went to school would have shown you an alternative use for a ruler.

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Sorry, kid, you may get to be ten, but you're never going to be a 10, so you will never meet a Trump.

Also, too, "Brylee" isn't a real name, and your mom is dumb.

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I hope this child develops critical thinking skills before coming of age to vote. This reminds me of a depressing incident while visiting family over the summer. My very intelligent and responsible niece (who is at university) shared her common knowledge that "all liberals want to take all guns away and abolish the 2nd amendment." My sister evidently over exposed her to Limbaugh in her formative years. I hope she developes out of this and learns too question such propaganda while still at university.

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I know I did, so there's hope for her.

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The one with too many teeth showing?It`s as if he only has a cursory knowledge of how a smile is supposed to look like, and has never made an attempt in front of a mirror, and is now just winging it.

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Trump: This debate is RIGGED!!!

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Like father, like son; slime balls tend to coalesce together into one putrid mass.

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You aren't the first. Mike Judge used that line of thinking in his "Idiocracy" plot. All the educated people took control of their reproduction and limited it, while the uneducated just kept popping the kids out by the basketful (ha ha). This could be the real reason that the right is so against birth control?

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Donald Trump, Jr. can read? Now that should be front page news.

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Not now. Its dead.

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Maybe if they help get her daddy out of jail....

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somehow i missed that movie...but yeah, that pretty much nails what i've been thinking for quite a while now

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