I know. They're literally too stupid to be allowed to vote. It's horrifying.

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I ain't want that social security or unemployment or minimum wage, not for THOSE PEOPLE! THEY ain't getting it! That don't concern ME! I'm RICH! Trump says so!

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I am curiously unmoved by Wilbur Ross's financial sacrifice.

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That was those Jewy Goldman Sachs. Trump has different, not-Jewy Goldman Sachs.

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I can't even read or listen to our Idiot In Chief anymore. The only thing I want to hear from him now is, "I'm coming out with my hands up."

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My son was a Bernie guy who voted for some obscure socialist. We've agreed not to talk about politics to keep the peace. He rants about the evil of "incremental change" and hates Obamacare because it should have been a single payer plan.

Funny thing is he lost his job and health insurance before the election. I had a hard time talking him into signing up for Obamacare, which he finally did about an hour before the final sign-up deadline. He just had an ER stay that's going to cost a couple thousand and also developed a problem which will require surgery - plus he was born with some serious health problems that are under control for now fortunately. Obamacare is saving his ass but he still hates it because it's not "perfect". Some people live in a bubble I guess.

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Idiots Out Wandering Around

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I must have been really high this morning. I thought I read he had said he was going to put solar panels on his dumb wall. I dreamed they reported he said "My IDEA!" He should make the stupid wall out of coal so he can create more jerbs (and burial plots) for miners risking their lives for a product nobody wants anymore. When he is out of jail, he can decorate his golf courses with it.

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Hey! I'm already having nausea issues!

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If only!

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I'd rather have competent people, regardless of whether they are poor or rich. But hey, I'm not Trump. And it seems for him, being rich means being competent.

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This wouldn't be a problem if you didn't have a winner-takes-all system.Spread the power and multiple parties become a valid option.The Trump would have had less than half of the power, Clinton would have a similar amount, Bernie would have had some power, and even Stein could have gotten one vote.Then Clinton, Bernie, and Stein could work together on most things and Trump would have been an ineffective, though large, minority.

But never mind me, I'm just someone who believes that politicians should learn to cooperate by being forced to cooperate before they can achieve anything.

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Another Trump throwback to the 19th Century--rich people are more virtuous and their success will allow the blessings of capitalism to flow like a river to the working class--just look at the Supreme Court's decisions on the rights of capital in the late 19th and early 20th Century

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Fun fact: Jan Peter Balkenende, Former Prime minister of the Netherlands (2002-2010) from the largest Christian party, had a great proposal.No public leader/manager may earn more than 130% of a minister.That was brought into law.

The logical next step was never taken though: No-one should be allowed to earn more than that. I would love to see a maximum on income for bankers and similar filth.

I did hear some talk about limiting the highest salary in a company to 15 times the lowest salary from the socialist party, that could have some fun effects. It won't happen though, there is not enough political will to do something like that.

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Numbers are hard for most people.People are also hard for most people.

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Who-- you, or us?

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