Sigh. You see, the "sounded better in the original German" is a reference to Wonkette Icon Molly Ivins, who said that of Pat Buchanan's 1992 "culture war" speech at the GOP convention. The pic is not meant to suggest that Mussolini was German, but rather that Trump looks and gestures a lot like Il Duce. Who was a fascist like Trump and like his bud in 1930s Berlin.

Also, if you ever suggest again that this Mommyblog is trying to be "credible," you will be banhammered so fast your head will spin. Such slander will not stand.

Good day, sir or madam. Good day, I say!

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france is a lot warmer. i'm definitely thinking warmer.

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Thanks to last night, the GOP has ditched "Clown Car" and gone full-on Canal Street Fruit Stand. Featuring Jeb! The Candidate With The Name as a shiny, cracked "Coach bag".Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio as Shitty boomboxes named Sumsang and Pinoyeer, and Rand Paul as the weird snack that looks like candy and tastes like fish. And if Trump really is a "fascist", "Star Knight" really is Darth Vader on a police motorcycle.

I don't think comparing Trump to historical fascists is fair. I mean, Trump's followers are exactly how fascists come to power. But if Benito Mussolini was a porn star, Trump would be his giant, rock-hard, cockeyed fake tits. At least Mussolini put some effort into shit. If you ever see Trump putting effort into shit, give him a prune.

But here's a comparison I'm surprised no one has come up with: L. Ron Hubbard. Don't even tell me Sheldon Adelson can't afford the lawyers. Donald Trump is a jabbering, hypercasual human spambot, with a for-profit cult having no greater purpose than stuffing his pants. Pockets. Based on a throwaway paperback and level of bullshit verging on paranormal. So his flunkies can pretend they're not crazy. And what the fuck's up with his wife?

By the way, has anyone else noticed that Being Like Hitler was one more thing W got exactly ass-backwards? You're supposed to be a shitty painter first.

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Americans voting for that Canadian born demagogue, Tailgunner Ted Cruz, is like the Germans voting for that Austrian born bum with the funny looking mustache in the 1920's and 30's.

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Thanks for the clarification, Dok. I was a little confused as well, as I thought it was a reference to Star Trek's "[...]read Shakespeare in the original Klingon" joke.

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I, sir, swooned with delight that Ms Ivins meme was being slathered like so much babby oil over the glistening babby's tRump.

Slather away, Herr Doktor Zoom, Molly would get a real hoot out of Wonkette.

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"At several points, Trump berated the reporters in the room for taking pictures of the clashes. “They are terrible!” Trump hissed of the press. “The worst!” Hundreds of riled-up Trump fans turned to face the press corps, and booed loudly."

How dare they take pictures and videos of what my security is doing completely in front of them and in context! They should be ashamed of themselves!

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You do know that's Mussolini, or at least the guy who wrote your ALT tags did. If he hadn't teamed up with Hitler, he'd be remembered as a middling bad dictator. But he could strut like none of the Germans.

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er, that was Tojo.

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What about the old lady on the twenty dollar bill?

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Remember when Obama was inaugurated, wingnuts complained that they "didn't even recognize their own country anymore?"

Jesus fucking Christ, even their overheated hyperbole is projection.

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Ewige Blumenkraft und Eiwig Gesellschaft!

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What if the most offensive, tasteless and crass candidate took the stage in a presidential election … and was a smash hit? Why, you could make a broadway musical out of it ...

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When your sole "redeeming" quality is that you're an overt bigot instead of a covert one, it just reminds me of how scary the Republic*nt party has become. I'm more afraid of a Republican victory than I am of Daesh.

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I wouldn't do that to an animal.

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"While Trump rallies have always felt like a political stump speech given during a WrestleMania match..."

But at least at Wrestlemania Trump gets his ass kicked in the end.


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