He is the deranged one.

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The more I learn about America, the more confused I get.

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"Lauro did a “full Ginsburg” on the talk show circuit to explain that Trump merely engaged in an "aspirational coup,""

This has big Sideshow Bob energy:


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I say again: LOCK. HIM. UP.

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Me too

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John Lauro is deranged! Just look at his hair! He went on teevee with that hair!

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That order should include that he's not allowed to post *while* looking at the identifying information. That's a pretty obvious loophole (unless there's already something that says he's not allowed his phone in the room).

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023

Actually, let him post. It really helps the prosecution's case when he makes such posts.

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I'm beginning to despair that there will ever be effective sanctions.

The shitstained orange toddler has violated the instructions he received on Friday three times by now, and there appears to be nothing more than protective orders, etc.

I get that this case is special.

But he's being allowed to run roughshod over the courts and it's undermining any sense of fairness and equity.

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STOP! Or I'll order you to stop again!

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No judge wants to be the first one to throw a former President in the slammer.

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I would.

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"That’s nonsense, of course, which is why Lauro didn’t say it on CNN, CBS, or ABC, where he might get called out on it." On a day ending in "x" anyway.

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he’s threatened the judge, jury, prosecutors, & will have the witnesses names from discovery … albeit not specifically but it’s a threat & he consistently escalates … lock him up already … i’m sure nothing much will happen so it will continue … he wins again …

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After his next fake tweet containing witness intimidation and false claims of prosecutorial misconduct, I say put him in the slam. On the way out of court, I want the judge to say "Feel free to keep your phone with you and exercising your free speech from jail. I'll just keep extending your contempt confinement."

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Nope. Inmates aren't allowed phones, why should PAB be the exception? It's freedom of SPEECH, not freedom to post on social media. Isn't it all about what The Fucking Founders intended? They sure as shit didn't Intend social media.

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I started to type that he should be allowed access to any such telecommunications equipment as could be transported on or in his person, but then I did a back-of-envelope calculation and concluded that half of the US cell tower farm could hide up in that.

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He should be allowed the same as any other accused person on remand; no less, but certainly no more.

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I would like that, but a preternatural caution appears to be overriding actually sanctioning him in an effective fashion.

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Just die already.

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Give him one warning, and then the day after when he flouts his "You're not the boss of me" reflex, remand the phat phuck to custody pending trial.

They keep screaming about some "Two tiered Justice System" and they have a point, The Mouse of Mar-a-Lago is getting breaks no other defendant could expect from a Judge with whom he shared a parent.

you want "equal justice" fine, go sit in the DC Jail and let's see how much you want to drag this case out then.

I am just about at the end of my rope with these people.

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' John Lauro did a “full Ginsburg”'

destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked,

dragging himself through the talk shows at dawn looking for an angry fix?

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Beat poet, you...

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Free speech with a crackpot group of lawyers got you into this tangle, numnuts. A gag order is the best thing this, I am sure you'll call "racist" judge, could do for you.

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In court, you don't read the room, you read the judge. This judge had two teenage sons (grown now). I'd bet she knows how to handle a child like trump.

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The racist misogynist draws a black woman judge. It's poetry.

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Not only that, he drew the "presidents are not kings, and Plaintiff is not President," judge.

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It's almost like they're trying to delay so he can pardon himself or something

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He has to win the election, or should I say, fix it so he wins. Legally, he can’t pardon himself but then again, when has the orange stain on humanity, ever done what is legal.

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If I had a nickel for every time someone said what the PAB did wasn't legal but now that he’s crossed that particular line we just don’t know what to do because the Founding Fathers never envisioned us electing such an irredeemable shithead so there’s no specific rule about it…I would have many nickels by now

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He might not be trying to delay so much if he was in the DC Jail being held pending trial.

Like any other defendant would be long past.

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