But does he have Purity of Essence?

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Good Hogan? T-shirt quality assurance.Bad Hogan? Hollywood.

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Being a careerist in the armed services is not necessarily a sign of sanity, which is not, oddly enough, necessarily, a requirement!Note this fun quote by General James (Mad Dog) Mattis, who Obama appointed to replace David Petraeus on August 11, 2010


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Considering the difficulty The Donald is experiencing lining up a Cabinet, with nothing else to bother his mind, I seriously doubt whether Hair Furor has the political acumen to line up a collection of Pet Rocks, let alone ducks.

That is, unless the rest of the Republican-heavy government allows him to turn the presidency into an autocratic office.

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Well, that's a nifty shortcut! Just put the Russian agent in charge of US national security! Think of all the money we'll save on file cabinets, network security infrastructure, and so on. Just tell Putin's boy whatever we're doing up front, then Flynn will call his boss in the Kremlin and say "here's what we're doing Vlad". Or, hell, just hook up a video conference straight to the Kremlin! Then we can take those precious CIA and NSA resources and turn them against Americans, where they belong! Yaaaay! Are we Great Again yet?

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ooh he's gonna run WIIILLLD ALL OVER those!

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i agree with you about the superiority of the Westminster system. However I'm think our American friends should be told that PM's don't get replaced just by votes of no-confidence followed by an election. Thatcher was replaced by a palace revolt ( not of course THAT palace) The Conservative Party not an election replaced her.

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PS: I think some US states are working their way to at least de facto secession. They just don't realize it yet.

If all Mexican workers are removed from CA its ag collapses.

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Holy shit. I didn't know he was a 'end times' guy. Radical jihadis allied with Russia? And even China is fed up with NK- see unfinished bridge between them. NK is not ally-able for anyone, The problem for the odd competent in this field is who the fuck wants to work for Jared/ Ivanka?

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You are absolutely correct. A Prime Minister can be pressured to resign as party leader, or from government altogether. As the new leader is chosen, the new leader also becomes Prime Minister.

This is what happened when the pressure of many scandals finally persuaded Brian Mulroney to "retire" from government. The Conservative Party chose Kim Campbell as their leader and she became Prime Minister without any reference to the electorate. Three and a half months later, when Mulroney's term expired (A term is five years or a failed vote of non confidence.) Campbell was dismissed by the electorate, not - many believe - on her own merits so much as a vote against Mulroney and all his works.

There is, however, a way for the Prime Minister to escape a vote of non confidence, and that is to prorogue government. Something normally done over Christmas breaks and for the summer once the year's calendar of legislation has been completed. During a prorogue the government does not meet, vote or pass bills. Only basic housekeeping duties are allowed.

Stephen Harper prorogued government four times during his stint as Prime Minister, twice for fairly acceptable reasons of housekeeping, and twice to escape a vote of non confidence, including one time after being found in Contempt of Parliament for lies in parliament surrounding the cost of his "law and order" agenda, corporate tax cuts, and for withholding documents without adequate reason, about his plan to buy stealth jests.

This was why so many Canadian voters resorted to strategic voting to "rid ourselves of this prime minister," colloquially known as "Heave Steve."

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Wanna borrow my belt sander?

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Well, this turned out fantastic, didn't it...

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Da. You to be choosing Flynn agent Trump.- Vlad

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I upfisted, but then I had to scroll that off my display. Is the brain bleach still on backorder?

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