[like those times as a young adult when I gave up sex for Lent when I was neither Catholic nor getting any anyway.]

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that's what I thought....until the next morning.

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[and I thought it was the jooz and catlicks that were bogarting all the sexy]

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Did you sincerely just compare sexual assault survivors to people advocating genocide?

Wow, you're an asshole.

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Actually, no. But I could understand the confusion. Do you really think that sexual assault survivors deserve what happens to them? Do you feel that the way they dress or act makes them somehow deserving of sexual assault? Wow, you're an asshole.

The argument that sexual assault victims deserve it is a popular conservative argument. I used reductio ad absurdum (probably poorly) point out the ridiculousness of that argument. And to mock a self-labeled Nazi. Mainly to mock a Nazi, tbh.

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"Thank you! I wanted a pair of yellow sox!"

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Lent lasts five years, right?

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Ran over their records with a Bobcat fur Freedumz! How DARE they question the invasion of a sovereign nation!

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Not for me. I've stopped accepting them when dispensaries offer little gifts. I figure it's a waste to give them to me.

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the only time i had a dry spell that long was probably when I was married...wait, maybe not. I don't remember, it's been 10 years.

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What is it now, six days? How likely is it that trump will face less pressure going forward?

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Ah, a new angle on the "Leprechaun" in Central Park/butt sechs joke.

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Bob Dylan sorta said that when we got nothing to lose, we're invisible; how many times has the child in us wished we could do that, sneak around and do all kinds of mischief with impunity? (of course, verses taken entirely out of context, sorta and maybe not....)

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Oh, I hear you. I discovered that I have the ability to just kinda blend into a crowd when I was a kid. At first glance, I look just like any other short, pudgy, middle aged white woman. Very generic. But I'm *much* physically stronger than I look (quirk of genetics, mostly), not to mention smarter and more conniving. I can wear a placid, bovine look on my face while looking for opportunities to escape or cause disruption. And because I look so fucking average, people assume I'm just going to go with the herd. People *always* underestimate me, which is pretty damn effective.

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In Tea-Rooms?

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Meanwhile, in Butthurt Wingnut News:

Citing "patriotism", Texas radio station bans Madonna

Well, there's an original move.


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