Great idea. Trump can then use his billions ( lol ) to make Slovenia Great Again. Or make it bigger to hold all said Trumptards disappear again.

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ROSE: How do we know that?

CONWAY: Because he said so.

In Pathological Liars We Trust.https://media0.giphy.com/me...

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I'd never thought I'd see the day where old people were so concerned about telegrams email.

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Her original password "BALONEY" but they made her change it to "BALONEY1"https://media1.giphy.com/me...

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The wreck of the Edumon Fitzgerald was no picnic on Martha's Vineyard!!!1!1!

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Also, to.

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She'll have such a bigly career in Trump Network. Wonder if she's too old for Ailes' tit-for-tat process?

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spin, spin, spin, oh yes, i'm sure you can spin this all you want, take those lies and spin them as positives, spin, spin, spin.

but one day....the spin will catch up to you.you have nothing more to spin, and we'll have nothing more to believe.

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Why do you hate cats?

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Let's go with 'appendix'. It has no real function and the only time you'll notice it is when it tries to kill you.

Seems to fit rather well.

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Dumb and liar have quite a large Ven overlap.

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if she weren't such a lying liar, she would never have gotten the job in the first place. it is a prerequisite for employment with der trumpenfurter.

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believe? does anyone with an IQ over the temp on a hot summer day believe anything he, or his lackeys spew from their pie holes?

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but what about the poor little dickless rats?!? will no one think of the rats?!?

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