I did not know about this...it sounds hilarious and Wikipedia is awesome.

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Sounds like the epitome of failing upward.

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What on earth is that? It’s completely weird and incomprehensible. Ancient Roman Nazis with cigarettes? And epaulets…

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Yes, and just stick a lime wedge up your nose to keep the germs in. 😊

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Try Smoky Links. Delicious and easier to prepare. They go good with eggs too.

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Jon Cooper, the Chris Matthews of Not Being on TV. His tweets about Bernie have been completely hysterical.

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Yes. Like would be the photo that comes with the wallet.

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"He is a snake!"

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Yes, that!

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The whole movie ("In The Loop") half-explains where we are now:


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Reading is not something these assholes do. And if they did read, they would find Kurt Vonnegut and Lewis Thomas completely incomprehensible. Also Jesus - any of the words.

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And this is why you don't get anything out of this White House resembling "accomplishments," or as the president spells it, "ACHOMLISHMENTS."

Evan, he doesn't just spell it that way - he often says it that way, too.

You know what I mean. He's lumbering through one of his 90 Minutes of Hate rallies (which is sometimes the State of the Union), Playing The Hits because the rubes just love all of his songs even though they contain literally the dumbest arrangement of words ever, when suddenly his rapidly degenerating brain burps out a mini stroke, causing his whole body to spasm violently and his tiny vulgarian fingers squeeze the podium while he slurs whatever word he's currently saying to such a degree so as to make it unrecognizable, mispronouncing whatever it is in a way that no one - not even the drunkest person in the history of the world - has ever mispronounced that word before, after which he tries to recover/cover it up in the same way every time, which is by moving his hands to Position A of the Trump Hand Talking Technique (hands held close together out in front him), followed by a rapid shift to Position B (hands spread far apart), and then often repeating that motion several times quickly so that he looks less like the orange shit gibbon his, and more like an orange shit gibbon puppet - and one that's being jerked around by its puppeteer (who's name is Putin, in case you were wondering) - or maybe he looks like a horny teenager jerking off to shirtless Putin pictures, or maybe both, all while saying, "Look, look...", and then completely changing the subject (as much as he is ever on any one subject long enough for the concept of changing the subject have any meaning - excluding, of course, the many cases where he goes off on some utterly stupid tangent, e.g. windmills or a harangue on one or all of the many Various Enemies).

I'm not even kidding. The recovery is the same every time. In fact, given how repetitive and polished it is, it might just be part of the same brain spasm that caused him to slur. Either that or his brain has been rotting for years, which has given him plenty of time to hone this routine to the fine piece of baroque performance art that it is. Actually, now that I think about it, I'd bet it's both.

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I think I might have missed this one (of course, there are so many, so it's quite possible I read about it in depth, but then the memory was simply crushed beneath the weight of so much other trumpian fuckery).

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The corruption! It burns!

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icing wasn't clever or cool when it first appeared 10 years ago.https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/bros-icing-bros

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