It's okay, now that we know what he is he won't be serving another term!

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The pastor did declaim:

I’m not an Uncle Tom, no coon And suddenly it's 1920 all over again.

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I'm waiting for the Rebs to really fuck up and accidentally elect Obama to a third term. The surrealism level of their current plight makes it a possibility.

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A few 'biblical quotes' that aren't in the Bible:

"God helps those who help themselves.""Cleanliness is next to godliness.""This, too, shall pass.""Hate the sin, love the sinner.""God works in mysterious ways."

And no, Virginia, a "come to Jesus talk" has nothing to do with proslytizing. It's what people do when they want you to do something about that drinking problem or bad hairstyle.

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Until his followers figure out what's going on. Which may take a geologic age or two.

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In an odd way, that's a kind of carryover from the real olde tyme religions, whose gods were local as often as not.

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listening to another of trump's "pastors" making excuses for violence and blaming the media and other candidates. disgusting what $$ will buy.

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Wow. My older siblings started as Jews, and my mom was goign to convert. Then the Rabbi/Asshole told her they would never be accepted. My father told him to fuck off and we were raised "Christiany." My mom's church is an offshoot of Mormonism without the polygamy or Masonic weirdness. Funny though, we are always considered Jewllatos, with one foot in both worlds, but never belonging to either.

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The nuns at the Catholic school my much-older siblings went to were notoriously discriminatory to them - wouldn't let them eat at the same table as kids who had two Catholic parents, wouldn't let them sing in the church choir, wouldn't let my brother be an Altar Boy, etc. For some reason my siblings did not tell my mother about most of this. Then one day the nuns told my siblings that my father was going to burn in Hell because he wasn't a Catholic, which they did repeat to my mother. Now my father was the kindest, gentlest, most honest and upright person you could meet, so this did not go down well with my mother. She yanked my siblings out of that school immediately. Lucky me, I never went there at all.

Public school wasn't perfect either. I was the only Catholic child in my elementary school. One day in 1964 I left the grounds at lunch to walk across the street to our church to light a candle for my dead grandmother (it was literally across the street), and I got called into the Principal's office and told I was forbidden to leave the school grounds during the day, which was baloney because about a quarter of the kids walked home for lunch in those days. Someone had seen me go into the Catholic Church and was offended. I told my mother. Feces hit the fan.

Are you referring to the Reorganized LDS? My best friend since grade school was raised in that church, so I am familiar with it. Her parents were not 100% happy that her best friend was a Catholic, but they got over it.

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Damn That's a good story. Yes My mother is RLDS. Her family actually came across the country with Joseph Smith. A strange and fascinating tale.

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Feel the Bern. Jew-S-Oy, Jew-S-Oy, Jew-S-Oy!!!

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First, the GOP wanted to teach Iba.a how to be white. Now, they want to teach the Jewis candidate to be Christian. Before the GOP tries to teach the Muslims, I am OK with the Muslims teaching the GOP to be more like Jesus. Muslims are more like Jesus than many Christians, as most Muslims, and all Jews, are circumsized.

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Is that bad barbershop haircut tenor or baritone?

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My own personal Jesus is a rastafarian, now that he's out of his Mod phase.

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Don't let Caribou Barbie get a hold of their playbook.

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But all those saints did nothing for their jaw. Makes you wonder.

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