Yesterday's Doonesbury: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Around here it wouldn't matter. It's a see of red-hatted morons who can't read.

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It turns out that there were no car dealerships when statehood was encoded.

However, there was an internet when when Hice said there were no dealerships. 643 dealerships at the link!


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The both go down into a gym.

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Hice, Hice, baby.

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Any congressman questioning whether Biden was legitimately elected needs to be asked the simple question "so are you saying that the same ballot that elected you was fraudulent?" And then shut the interview down after they sputter. Don't give these bastards an ounce of credibility when it is so obviously clear that they're just spouting nihilistic garbage. By even humoring these seditious creeps, the media is playing its own part in the Big Lie.

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Taking one for the team.

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Also, too, there is this whole thing where the Georgia Attorney General is going after that asshole like she's wants to kick his ass. Perhaps some racketeering charges. Maybe not so great to be endorsed by some asshole that lost the State and then was convicted of crimes against that State.

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Can't Hice just cut to the chase and say "we liked it better when they didn't get all uppity with the voting and such"? Talking in code is just going to confuse his own supporters, and they're already plenty confused.

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Ah yes, that obscure section of the Constitution, Article XIII, Section 5, which states "Congress shall admit no state to the Union unless it contains at least one purveyor of carriages, or one comely lass of virtue true".

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Trout.Not the trouser variety.

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Seriously, the news media needs to DO THIS YESTERDAY.

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Hice put his 1776 message on Instagram at 4:13. At that time, Pelosi had called for help, the Pentagon was ‘discussing’ the idea, and Trump was just about to begrudgingly put out his recorded video telling people to not be so mean. Hice was well aware of the violence at that point.

Boebert is an asshole seditionist, but her message about 1776 was done at 8 in the morning. Her Tweets during the insurrection offering real-time updates to Pelosi’s whereabouts were infinitely more damning. Hice was clearly trying to encourage the insurrection.

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Skiing areas?This - https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

But on the other hand, DC has more major league baseball teams....

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They just let this crap fly: "so and so still says the election wasn't legit, wow, make up your own minds, folks" when it's completely obvious that this is all in bad faith. Call them out, then shut them down--don't even let them stay on the interview. Once someone is blatantly lying to you, there's no news value in them--and no better way to convey that message. The media is fueling this for ratings.

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