As Mad magazine once wrote: "You know your campaign is in trouble when you poll your own campaign staff and find yourself trailing."

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Very important difference.The first one knows who he works for.With appropriately subtile... encouragements, the second one may truly believe he is a free man and all his decisions are his own. With the added bonus of plausible deniability.

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Stuff them all into a goddamn bottle and send them out with the Pacific current.

Be sure to affix Solomon's seal on the bottle.Oh, no, not because I really think that it will magically keep them inside (although, it doesn't hurt to add it anyway).It's just that I am a meanie and I enjoy the idea of right-wing hacks having to contemplate a Jewish symbol on their jail's door for all eternity.

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Barbara Walters would have been behind bars AGES ago.

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They are America -hating. So at least that's consistent.

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Sort of Like Trevor Noah

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How is the entire last three years possible?

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50% of the sample was over 50! 🤪 And big hunk still knew to blame the police. 🤣

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Corbin is most famous as the home of Harlan Sanders/KFC - however it also known forba nasty "race riot" where white people drove off all of the black residents becoming a "sundown town" in 1919 and its mentioned in James Loewen's book on Sundown Towns - likely why the name was familiar to you

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"Sure he's a complete fuckup, but on the bright side he hates black and brown people."For some, it's the horns of a dilemma. (For most of us, it's the other end of the animal.)

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Thank you, you are so right.

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The funny thing is that he doesn't know how to spell it! He's as famous for misspelling words as he is for his idiotic takes.

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Comical Ali!

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Covid 19's impact on the US is what happens when the president and his administration is anti-science

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Well, I give the old guy in the wheelchair a little credit for knowing the difference between the real confederate flag and the battle flag. But not much. They're both just sad and pathetic.

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Poor dude with the cane was probably just out for his morning walk and got in the shot.

He doesn't strike me as a bubba dumbfuck.

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