Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori.Former Paraguayan El Presidente Alfredo Stroessner.

Disreputable examples, for sure, but still. (Cited only because they were well-known names.)

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They'll save money by using undocumented workers to build it.

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Did you budget in the YOOOOGE kickbacks?

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No, I heard that was where they dug down to in order to get the material to make Peeps.

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Come on out; there's a special dispensation for any fan of the Original Six.

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"Hehehheh - I just farted - and *nobody* noticed! Heheheheheheh"

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Ohhhhhh, crap. That is all. Just ...oh, crap.

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I'd just like to note that a proven method of driving Canadian Geese away is Australian eye herding shepherd dogs. The dogs look like they're stalking and the geese get scared and think the area is too dangerous to rest in again.

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I read about that, but I can't talk the HOA Board into getting one. Instead they bought life-size coyote decoys and "dead goose" decoys, guaranteed to scare the geese away, but the geese ignored them, of course. They poop in the lake, and every summer the e-coli count goes up and we can't swim or fish in it.

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People hire them, I understand.

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Do they? How interesting. I also read that if you put some sheep to graze around a lake, the geese will fly away, but I don't know if that is true, and anyway there are very few sheep in central Missouri. Lots of hogs, but no sheep.

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Listen up you fucking motherfuckers, when that bad ass motherfuckering Trump drops the fucking f-bomb 5 times in 74 seconds, it's fucking huge and fucking terrific and beautiful, I shit you not!

In other fucking words, just some god damn plain old fun for the whole bunch of bastards you pussies call "family"...

//sarcasm ( in case anyone couldn't fucking tell ) 😱😱😱😱https://media3.giphy.com/me...

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I was just checking. His radiation rage issues predate Bruce Banner by almost a decade.

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The sad truth is that he most certainly would.

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Or maybe a Dem. super pac..

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Trump's next idea will be a 10-mile wide "No Man's Land" on our side of the wall. Of course there already a kinda strip of dead land there, it's called Texas. Now there's an idea - - build the wall around Texas!

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