Because he has rocks in his brain. Source material! Dense reading!

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I'm hoping I'll be dead by then.

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I'm hoping there will be an afterlife so that when I am dead by then I can haunt the bastards.

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Not watching the video, but I have watched some before this (which is why I am not watching this one...)From what I remember from previous videos of this ... guy, the transcripts are like describing the moves a surfer makes.Without the crowd reaction (i.e.: the wave he is riding) it makes a lot less emotional sense.

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You couldn’t pay me thousands of Sorosbucks to watch that video.

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I have an Impeach Bush and Cheney t-shirt. I sort of smile when I run across it like it’s a lock of hair from a bygone era.

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Ike to Nixon to Reagan to Shrub to Trump... Extrapolate and you get this:https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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It's practically quaint!

Remember those "Miss Me Yet?" bumper stickers with GWB's picture on them? I used to think "yeah, I'll miss YOU when hell freezes over." Little did I know that 8 years later hell was going to freeze over.

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The fact that you couldn't find anything about the arrest of M-13 proves it was true. Its being covered up by the liberal media and deep state. ;)

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So this perpetual liar doesn't ever acknowledge the Russian assistance to his 2016 win, and (oddly) doesn't/can't/won't mention the "Fake News" of a pending Midterm slaughter. Or the impending ramifications of it for him personally. But we KNOW it's in that vacuous noggin of his. There's no room for honesty in there.

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Notice that Bush, Cheney and Rumpswab aren't around? They likely still digging in the sands of Iraq (and not for wmd's).

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He even exaggerated the location of where he was raised.

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Wouldn't watch with a gun held to my head. Might pull the trigger myself.

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Listen to a Donald Trump speech, or to Vogon poetry? Well, that's an easy one; time to cue up the recording of "Ode to a Small Lump of Green Putty I Found in My Armpit One Midsummer Morning"

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I literally LOLed! 😂

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