Hey, now there's a concept we haven't really looked into. Has a lot of promise; I'll put someone on it.

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Fave TSA cartoon: Woman in the scanner, saucer-eyed, as the TSA employee shouts out, "It's a boy!"

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Don't stare at the clouds. And if you do don't tell anyone about it.

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puff, puff, pass

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His ne is so easy. Just stop and ahour "TSA SUPERVISOR" this has the salubrious effect to summoning a shit load of spurious TSA personnel - the ones that live under the benches in the waiting area AND the airport police who usually take umbrage at any disturbance in their section of the terminal.

Then it us is usually a simple matter of explaining to the supervisor what happened. If the Super acts lie a turd call a local TV channel. Within a shor tpereiod of time, yu will pull the chain of someone who as mater of routine does not ant their chain pulled.

they willhold you untill you miss your flght and then gratuitioously let you go. Don't go. In for a penny infor a pound. They have detained you without charges you, caused you significant monitary harm , personal embarrassment ....blah, blah, blah.

For $1280 iin legal fees I manged to turn the lives of the supervisor and his staff into a iving hell for six weeks.

I'm retired. I could afford it. Fuck'em.

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I've accidentally flown with prohibited stuff. I've seen several of our show carps fly with box cutters

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I'll be sure to punch the local TSA agent in the junk this morning out of general principle.

*with votes of course

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I used to spend a lot of time there because it was better than Yahoo. Then I found here. Occasionally I drop into HuffPo- usually a mistake, unless it's the Canadian edition. Trolls get easily bored there.

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Christo suddenly has a new idea!

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They're worried about semtex implants?

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I was just on HuffPo, and looking at the article about the death of Michael Hastings (and how soon before the wingnuts say that was Obama's doing?) Anyway, at the bottom, a variety of related headlines introduced with "You May Like...". and what is there? "Conservative Activist Andrew Breitbart Dies." Why yes, yes, I DO like!

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Geddy Lee was best man at my cousin's wedding in the late 60's.

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Word. I teach 15 yr old girls.

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I never tire of apologizing for that jerk. Actually,a friend of my son who met him before he was famous said he was a total total jerk even then. Oh, and a bully at school, I've heard from other sources.

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It wasn't so much unleashed as expelled.

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Me when I have to tell them at school to hide their boobs?

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