Yeah, I used to fly from San Fransisco to Portland 2x a month, now I do it 4x a year.

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Is this a "gateway" habit to much more serious stuff, like kiddie porn? Will that be Glumm Bleek's excuse when the truth comes out?

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Sound advice. Thank you.

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Are her sisters Aura and Mystique?

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"...idiot kabuki theater of TSA security checkpoints" - that's some very, very funny stuff!

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<a href="http:\/\/t1.gstatic.com\/images\?q=tbn:tT4lWXw2HdvwiM:http:\/\/i568.photobucket.com\/albums\/ss129\/TurboWolfbot\/michael-bolton.jpg&amp\;t=1" target="_blank">What the fuck does that mean?</a>

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I suggest all passengers and crew enter the aircraft completely naked. Folds of fat and body orifices <i>could</i> hide dangerous objects but I think the entire effect would cause everyone to be quiet at the very least.

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Well, Layne's finally done it....written an article so snarky and sarcastic I really can't tell what side he's actually on.

I'm going to have to read this thing 7 or 8 more times.

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We at least should recognize the al Queda is totally just mailing it in these days.

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Whaddya mean turn it over? My neighbor is with the TSA and he already anally probes and nekkid photographs me before I get in my car. Says it regulations. But I haven't had an accident since he started checking. Hooray! the system works!

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At least the lizard people held off on their attack. Thank you Clarissa Thomas for the warning. You are my favorite Martian now.

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Scale it all back to basic metal detector. Then put up a sign that says "try anything funny and the other passengers will kill you."

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As someone who's office is the cabin of a commercial aircraft, I feel the need to weigh in here. The two components to insuring safe air travel are Privacy and Convenience. The more you give to one, the more you take from the other. We seem to have collectively decided, here in the U. S. of Murka, that we want Convenience.

I'll now pause a moment for you to stop laughing.

But yes! It's true! While you sometimes have to wait an hour or more to get through security (it's far more common for the line wait to be in the neighborhood of twenty to thirty minutes), and yes, we have to take off our shoes and remove our gadgets before proceeding through the porno death machines, it could be far, far worse. Ask anyone who's departed from Heathrow, or Frankfurt, or Tel Aviv. They have lines for profiling AND metal detection. And then when you think your done....ANOTHER ROUND OF PROFILING.

Take your pick, folks. But I'd just as soon not have to go to work worrying about the guy trying to set his dirty underwear on fire. Personally, I'd "opt out" of the porno death machine and go for the free handjob, but that's just me. You'll have to decide for yourself.

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and the PDX grand piano with airport approved pianist is a nice touch as well.

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do we think K LO is traveling this thanksgiving?

and on a related note: does TSA offer combat pay?

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It's crazy, ain't it? And with all the fancy machines and covert intelligence, 9/11 would have been an ordinary day if we had simply banned knives and blades, which were <i> acceptable items for carry-on</i> at the fucking time. I thought it was nuts back then, and I'm just a tiny cog in the greater wheel. Again, we want convenience. We want Bubba to be able to bring his hunting knife onboard. Or rather, we did until OOPS! THAT'S NOT SUCH A BRILLIANT FUCKING IDEA!

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