"...extremist terrorist..."

One quibble. When is terrorism not extremist?

* goes back to article *

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Tucker says "No democratic government can tell you what to think. That's OUR job"

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Straight up sovereign citizen agitprop? What's next? Admiralty law because of the gold fringe on a court's flag?

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There's just one problem with saying some right wingers aren't extremists. It's called the internet, and more specifically sites where Qs congregate and threaten and plot bloody insurrections.

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You've obviously never faced the sensible, boring, creeping middle of the road unease from the Beige Menace.

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When’s these assholes dominion suit dropping?

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"She's trying to convince her viewers that any consequences for literal actual domestic terrorists and homegrown extremists should be viewed as an attack on all Trump supporters."

This is a leap of logic of herculean proportions.

Really, it should be bronzed and hung on the wall of the Bad Faith Hall of Shame.

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“which was 100% caused by elite mismanagement of our economy.”

Tucker, you’re a fucking Trust fund baby born from the elites who mismanaged our economy. And you’re still covering for the status quo. What do you think is going to happen when the people you’re stoking with lies figures that out?

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* sigh*

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Let’s consider all Fox”News” employees terrorists and call it a day.

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He's counting on them NEVER figuring it out, and working to make sure they don't.

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Dear, sweet, stupid Tucker. I'm quite willing to grant that the elites have mismanaged the economy if, and only if, you agree that that the mismanaging elites are the ultrarich and their minions like yourself.

But the result will not be hyperinflation -- what a stupid appeal to fear -- it will be a depression like unto the 1930s.

Why? Because inflation is caused by too much money chasing too few goods. But the ultrarich have locked away, keep locking away, vast sums of money. So now we don't have enough.

The result is a seizing up of the works, i.e. a depression.

We haven't seen it yet because of the (small) payments the federal government is making to keep the machine oiled. And maybe with enough largess, it can be avoided.

But it's out there, lurking.

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Somewhat OT: at what point does your level of Botox use paralyze your jaw muscles enough you can’t open and close your mouth, rendering speech impossible?

Related: how close are these two to reaching that threshold other than NOT CLOSE ENOUGH, CAROL?

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When I was in the business of selling tile, I developed a hearty distaste for beige. How many hours of my life were wasted as customers debated the thirty shades of beige!

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Someone telling you what to believe is propaganda, which you engage in every night.

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How do we come back from this? I feel like they have reached the point of no return and nothing short of outright Civil War will stop them

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