After he was tried at Nuremberg and acquitted, a German denazification court found him guilty and sentenced him to a labor camp, but he was quickly released on appeal. All in all, he led a rather charmed life.

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As usual, Tucker gets it bass-ackwards:

"If anything it’s a constitutionally protected behavior, it is organizing a political rally. It is why we have the Bill of Rights."

No, dumbass; the Bill of Rights is why we have constitutionally protected behavior. That you chose to construct that sentence in that way, betrays a pretty fundamental cart/horse flaw in your reasoning.

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"And that guy gets moody as hell since he got the COVID shot and grew boobies!"

Must be that time of the month.

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Don’t tell incels they can grow boobies by taking the Covid shot, they will never leave the house. Oh, wait.

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Call me old school, but what is this mem supposed to say?

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Of course he was considering he worked with Russian oligarchs...

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You just described my RWNJ to a "T." He will argue that the Afghanistan war was a terrible war that Obama started. When I tell him it was started by GWB, he won't believe me, until I offer to bet him $100, and then he'll immediately say "well, we HAD to go there and fight a war." He can literally change his mind in 2 seconds, solely based on who he thinks was responsible for a certain policy. It always fascinates me.

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Probably right after we find out he liked to have double dates with Gaetz.

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And now Bob Dole is a canned pineapple.

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I don't want that job.

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When he dies, they'll have to put him in a lead lined barrel and declare the grave a Superfund site.

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He's gonna go down like the Hindenburg.

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Oh, I don't think prison would be the first choice.

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Or better yet, an arrest warrant.

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Yeah, the “these people were shitty in the eighties and nineties but we have short attention spans” trend continues.

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You know I have long thought that the "love the sin, hate the sinner" thing was impossible bullshit.

Yet I respect Pence's choice to stay on The Hill and keep the US a democratic nation while not actually respecting the man himself at all.

Weird cognitive dissonance.

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