Now remember, he "loves Israel" so he has played his "get out of antisemitism free" card.

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No, no. We need to rethink capital punishment for stupidity.

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Yep...That Bushian ignorance is what got us into a quagmire in Iraq...you would have thought that W, being a kissing buddy of the Saudis, would have a better grip on this than the average 'Murrican yahoo, but you would be wrong...

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"...rotting possum corpse..." I'd venture to say Bow-tie Bigot offers less value to the planet

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When I read that line, I said out loud "what the fuck is he on about?" As if these cold, lonely walls could answer even if they spoke wingnut.

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Depends where you look for stories. Sunak is pretty disastrous, but let's just say that he's a lot quieter about it.

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Of course Tucker would know how managers of strip clubs dress.

Every time I think Tuckums cannot be any more vile and disgusting, he's more vile and disgusting. There is no bottom to how low he will go.

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But in the past, some of the show hosts have lost their shows due to outrage by the public that affected their bottom line.

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Considering the fact that it's a conservative outlet, I'm inclined to believe that was all performative to keep people off their backs.

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Shouldn't _ucker also be wearing a swastika armband when he does his disgusting show?

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I'd bet he doesn't, and that Carlson is just that big a piece of shit.

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I see a "Separated at birth?" image of Tuckems and the Mouth of Sauron.

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Or how much of a tool Reagan was.

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I'd go with the hyphens, personally.

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Of course the dog whistle racism is bad. But this cold reception and sneering at V Zelenskyy 's courage is not surprising. He leads a nation where, as per Wikipedia, "Ukrainians are an East Slavic ethnic group native to Ukraine". It is the SLAVIC part which offends Gaetz, Boebert, Greene and the puppets of Russia so much. Simply put they echo someone else who hated all of the Slavic peoples of Europe. That someone else had a plan for all Slavic people in Europe AND Russia. His plan was to conquer their land and make them slaves. He planned to send overseers and landowners from GERMANY to the conquered lands to lord it over the conquered Slavic people.

He outlined all of his plans in a book that he wrote while serving a prison sentence in Germany back in the 1920s. He later went on to a career in politics and set the entire world on fire, literally killing millions including hundreds of thousands of Slavs.

That Volodymir Zelenskyy is also a Jew is, to our crop of Ameican Slav haters, simply another strike against him.

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