Anything to criticize the Biden Administration and elect more Fascists, that's the Murdoch Model and Tucker is its leading spokespuke. This explains the anti-vax mandate rants, the anti-mask rants, the anti-BLM and anti-CRT obsession, anti-Green Energy, all of the Democratic Party's real and purported actions and stances. If it can be tied to Biden, it can be demonized as bad, even given money to out of work families or under-financed schools. Remember, Bill Barr said he would vote for Trump in 2024 instead of Biden, not matter how fucked up he knows Trump is. Hating Biden is all they've got instead of actual policies.

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OMG, I wish that was true, but I fear you're wrong.

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He's Lord Haw-Haw for the Hee Haw set.

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Tucker Lindbergh

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Don't try to confuse us with your smartness.

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If this doesn't sell Tucker will just workshop another attack until he finds one that drive Biden's negatives.

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In Syria they bombed four hospitals in 12 hours. "Indiscriminate" makes it sound like an accident.

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And why aren't Americans rooting for the white nationalist murderer with Little Man Syndrome?

Ukraine poses a unique challenge for republicans, one that no Middle Eastern country ever would. Ukraine is an overwhelmingly white and Christian country. When they see Ukrainian refuges, they see people they’d actually be willing to let live in their neighborhood, even the gated ones. Genocide isn’t fun for republicans when the victims look like themselves.

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"Frozen Dinner Fauntleroy." Priceless!

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I'm afraid you're right.

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Let's go back to 2014 when Russian military/paramilitary unit(s) shot down MH17 over Ukraine. The immediate response from the Russian agitprop machine was to throw as much shit against the wall, as fast as possible, in order to disorientate the public. This is the new playbook of the Trumpist wing as well. If you create that confusion, then you're lead to believe you just cannot possibly discover the truth.

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Tuckyo Rose.

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I hope he is being investigated by the Justice department as a pro-Russian asset.


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He's got a daddy fetish.

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Some even opined to the NYT, same as it ever was.

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He'd be licking Putin's...toes before sunset.

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