"It's just what I want you to believe is just true."

Tucker will fall, it's just a question of when. And it will be a hard landing.

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Brautigan was a funny guy.

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...at least you told her. I had similar conversations w my dad living in Texas. He asked, "Why didn't the news report this?", and I answered "Because people here don't want to hear this."

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I like this military analyst very much, he is data centric.At 38:00 in he dryly mocks Tucker elected President as Putin's most fabulous fantasy.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Hillary would have had him killed if she were 10% of the villain they make her out to be.

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"If Russia ever joined forces with China, American global hegemony, its power would end instantly"

Does it never occur to these MENSA members what would happen if the right-wingers were successful in driving the U.S. debt into default, entitling China to call all of theirs in IMMEDIATELY?

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I’ve already had a MAGAt tell me Kevin is going to release it all the entire media and that I’m stupid to think he’s just giving it Tuckems exclusively. We just have to wait.

I really feel bad for the poor intern would will be made to comb through those 41,000 hours of Q-morons beating cops and smashing windows until the last shred of their will to live had left their body.

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There you go again. Would these be the cables from 20 and 30 years ago talking about Russian red lines? Usually you have an issue with red lines. I guess not in this case.

But none of that actually matters. Russia does not get to decide what other sovereign nations get to do. Russia does not get to invade because their feelings about red lines were hurt and another country did not consult them.

I'm not sure why you don't grasp the concept.

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The one thing I remember from those dinners from my childhood is that the mashed potatoes always tasted like the aluminum tray they cooked in.

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I didn't know Zelenskyy was ordering shelling and bombing of Ukrainian civilian targets and infrastructure. Maybe Tucker could do an expose on it and maybe, like, show some evidence that Zelenskyy is the problem, not Putin, who invaded Ukraine and is launching missiles from Russian territory and saying any attempt by Ukraine to hit targets in Russia used to attack Ukraine is an act of war. As if Russia hasn't already opened a war in Ukraine.

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Gobblefunk is the name of my Zappa/Parliament/Funkadelic mashup.

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I'm in luck. I don't have to decide.

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Last I heard, they were pushing the conscription age up to 40, and Tuckums is only 53, so, if the conflict goes long enough, a Russian Tuckums could find himself called up to the Western Front.

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Joe McCarthy told us. He had a list. And we didn't believe him just because he was a fucking liar.

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True, but you also don't get to pretend that it was somehow "unprovoked" when clearly they've been saying "we deem these actions are threatening" for those 20 to 30 years. See how these two concepts aren't mutually exclusive?

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