well at least you took it off before applying the fire...

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Yes, and the "Bittch of Buchenwald" had a half-nelson-cum-lampshade gambit that had to be seen to be believed.

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Sounds legit, Russian trolling is probably a nicely tuned game of waiting to see if US nutjobs can see a new angle and deploy it, or if the trollerie themselves have to step in to fill in gaps and solidify dimly formed connections.

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That's some shift, from Blake to Pound.

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Yup. I am in no ways a Russia stan (except for some of their arts in the early 20th c. but never mind all that) but I am also not so gullible as to believe there's just *no chance* the spy accusation is true.

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Why would he? He makes a pretty penny off NOT ever having that thought.

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So, the few people you know disproves my theory? How many is "many"? Just curious. Also, there's this old article: https://www.salon.com/2014/...

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We can hope.

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riiiight - so you go overseas, kill a bunch of people, and then demand to go home to a corrupt system to be let off? there isn't a country in the world that would allow that to happen (not that this is what's happened here, i'm spouting a hypothetical) - and that would only fly if you promised to send every foreign prisoner of your own back for prosecution in their country - and when they get off, then what?

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i always go to Marvel's tony stark when i hear it

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Let's just say it out loud. Fuck Paul Whelan. He's a criminal and a mercenary. Let him rot over there.

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The good news is that we still have one more Russian asset we can trade for Whelan. We just have to make sure we've gotten all of our stolen documents back from him first.

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...supplied by Putin...no coincidence

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When did exercising one's First Amendment right as a citizen become hating America?

I ask for Brittney Griner.

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