I think that's an excellent idea. Adding that if someone pops back up as Q, that it's not really him but a fake poser trying to scam you. That way, if he try's to start up again, he won't be believed.

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I think it was antifa what whacked Dr. Seuss, right? Very scary people. And if I had a dollar for every bit of Q paraphernalia at a Trump rally I could retire in luxury you fucking jackass, Tucker.

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It was a "Little Golden Book." I was born in 1955 and it was one of my favorites,.Sadly, because it was the only book on my little bookshelf that had https://uploads.disquscdn.c... a "Colored" hero.

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snek libuulllllzz!

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It's not North Korea. It's this nasty dude. https://www.bbc.com/news/wo...

And they aren't "victims," they're willing participants; that's the problem.

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I believe that Little Lord Swansonboy is suffering from brain damage due to watching Panda Porn.

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Oof that guy looks terrifying. Also too, Alan Moore pretty much hit the nail on the head. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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It also leads to 17 straight years of Thatcherism with no recourse or defense. Picture Trump getting reelected for 17 years and having the Congress as well.

Coalition governments in the UK have been rare, short, and mostly failures. The only developed democracy with a full-fledged coalition system (that I can think of) is Italy, which has had 66 governments since WWII, with an average government lasting slightly more than 1 year.

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In laws live in relatively new subdivision in Storey County. B—I-Law says such encounters are infrequent. He said he once asked a guy why the weaponry was necessary and got a grunt and an unintelligible reply.Likely protections against cannibals and other assorted libs like me.

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These are the same people who DO get worked up over a publisher no longer publishing six Dr. Seuss books.

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So that's what "kung-foo" means...

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I'd buy that poster.

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I speak for all of us when I say fuck Tucker Carlson.

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He truly is a jackass. But lying smarmy prat fits him even better.

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And won with that argument!

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Richard Mellon-Scaife *spits derisively*, The evil bastard that funded most of the Hillary smears...

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