How? It is vile and disgusting but considerig that most Congresscritters have been bought by various groups and companies, it is exactly what they have been doing for decades.

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Of Remington Steel, Tool and Die.

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But Manson wuz a fukin' hippy, but Tucker is a proud and brave Amurican!

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Tucker Carlson will lead you up a slippery slope and down a rabbit hole. Hang onto the tin foil hat he furnishes.

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Just because it's normal doesn't make it legal, or allowable.

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#facts. More children die from AR -15s than from abortions.

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The Republicans have nothing, no policy, no dignity, so they have to fall back on blood libels. Wait for a return to the Soros octopus and other classic antisemitic "globalism" motifs.

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Straight up blood libel which ends in mass murder.

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Exactly the same people who love root canals: the people who need them.

And when you need medical care, you should get it.

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This idiot is going to take on a woman with a social media following as big as Rihanna’s? Have fun with that, you moron!

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Maybe you think abortion should be legal, but do you love abortion? Do you think abortion is a wonderful, affirming act you feel so proud of you brag about it with jewelry? If you feel that way you should know that you are not defending a medical procedure, you wouldn't say that about an appendectomy — no.

Nobody tell him about the ribbons for AIDS and Breast Cancer etc.

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Rarely is the question asked, is Tucker The Walrus?

Boop Boop de doop

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So, abortion is protected because of religious freedom? I’ll take it!

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Why are those shits not in prison?

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Oh fershittssake.

An abortion heart pin???

Are these people actually idiots???

I am adamanatly pro-choice. That is because I am a doctor, a woman, and someone who once needed an abortion.

But no one likes abortion, let alone loves it. It is never a happy option. It is always something that occurs precisely because something will be very wrong in the life of that woman or girl if the pregnancy continues.

I was utterly disgusted when the yelpers at the the Satanic Temple declared that they were doing some sort of pop-up clinic named to make fun of Alito's mother and that abortion is "a ritual". That there ever will be a clinic is pretty unlikely - they just want to out-Sinema Sinema in bobbing for attention - but they did their damage because the Right picked up on how abortion is devil worship. (Spoiler alert: Most people are not Wonkers who know that they are not devil worshippers.)

At that time I averred that no one in organizations actually fighting to preserve what reproductive rights still exist in America and to help the women and girls in forced birth states would welcome that look-at-meeeeeeeeee gimmmick but now I see that these pins came from Planned Parenthood.

So again, I ask - are these people idiots???

I presume that these pins went to every Democrat. Only two - who actually are experienced legislators and should have known far better - had the utter lack of as much common sense as a cabbage has to wear them.

The forced birthers want us to wear hair shirts over abortion. They want us to be apologetic and only talk about victims rather than pregnancies from consensual sex, implying that those women and girls are sluts, and to sing Clintonian songs about how abortion should be "rare" when, in fact, it should be as prevalent as is necessary.

But the opposite of that is not wearing a pin that fucking says that you love abortion.

The opposite of that is that saying that women and girls matter and that abortion is a procedure that they may need and that should be safely and legally available to them because they do matter.There are lots of pins that show that exact message - just Google and you will see ones that actually say "Keep abortion safe and legal" or "Abortion is healthcare".

But they went with this.

And that hurt us.

The only alternative understanding of the pin is that it signifies that the heart is about support for the women and girls who need this care but if even adamantly pro-choice me is struggling to find that meaning then it has definitely entered the realm of "If you are explaining, you are losing." When I was still practicing as a breast radiology specialist we wore pink ribbon pins to show support for patients. We didn't wear a pin that said "Breast cancer" with hearts for the a's...

This pin debacle is admittedly a shiny object, just as the Satanic Temple's latest wiggle of its self-serving ass is, but the few rights that still remain are under actually under great threat - medication abortion may be blocked by a federal judge next week. We cannot afford any false steps. We certainly shouldn't be jumping into them.

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