That wannabe cop? Surely not.

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He stopped wearing a bow tie?

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Need a vomit emoji.

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I haz a confuz. Why/how is Tucker supposed to be a “strong man”, even in the eyes of conservatives? MAGAts I get. They crazy, period. But the rest of ‘em? How is this person an example of masculinity?

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A.....hearty stew?

How long ago was breakfast? Oh, wait, sorry. Ahem.

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People actually watch that idiot?

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I feel icky after watching that.

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This is just more evidence of the age-old truism that conservatives should never, ever, ever, ever, ever attempt comedy. (Or acting or playing musical instruments or composing music or writing poetry or painting or really anything, honestly.) They're bad at it.

The same conservatives who wanna slash funding for arts programs can't understand why no stylish trendy popular arty farty people like them... waaahh boo fucking hoo you reap what you sow.

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A hearty stew and a heartfelt "fuck you", Tucker.

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This is sort of a phantom thread, isn't it?

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His fee-fees got hurt when he was teased about it.

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Ari is questioning a trump humper and it’s great.

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He should have kept the bow tie, because now I can't tell the difference between him and Sean Hannity's big flat boring pink face.

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Pink face or pig face? Hannity's face has always had an oinky look about it.

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The same ones who also claim that "Libs have no sense of humor" when we don't find their rape "jokes", and such, funny.

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