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Of course, both of these ridiculous idiots have been vaccinated.

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You’ll never convince me Charlie Kirk and Ben Shapiro aren’t the same 45 year old little person shopping at Oshkosh b’gosh for little boy suits.

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But Charlie. An asshole like you must have thought at one time apartheid is a good thing.

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What increased public health emergency is risked by people having abortions?

Also, nobody is telling Tucker that he can’t access a vaccine if he just wants one, even if it’s been nearly 27 weeks since he learned of the pandemic, or if he can’t afford to get Covid, or if he’s at an elevated risk of complications or death if he catches it, or if he was forced to be exposed to Covid by others against his will, or if the folks administering the vaccine didn’t have hospital admitting privileges. Nobody has made it a law that, if Tucker is murdered while he has Covid, the murderer can get additional charges against them for killing an unborn Covid virus. Nobody wants to put Tucker in jail if his body successfully fights off Covid without a vaccine.

But abortion continues to be a free range wedge topic for reasons, so…

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Of course there is going to be gays in the bathroom at the trans bars he hangs out at. Why do you think he is named Tucker?

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How did we go from guys volunteering to jump out of airplanes across enemy lines and storming a beach in France to these giant babies, in just a few short generations?

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By letting whiny trust fund kids have teevee shows

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Abortion was amazingly common in first century Palestine. Look at any Roman menu it's sure to have aborted fetuses of something to eat. The Cyrene who carried the cross was from a Greek colony that only produced an abortifacient herb.Jesus said Nothing about abortion, ever.

But preserving a blastocyst is more important than not killing other real live human beings by passing on a deadly disease.

You can refuse to serve 'the gayz' but you must serve the no mask unvaccinated, again because.... Jesus.

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Fetuses can’t counter their narrative, and neither can most children. That makes them convenient for exploitation.

As far as I’m aware, there isn’t anything in the teachings of Jesus about being against medical procedures or medicine in general.

They keep pushing the idea that they can demand service from everyone and determine its limits to other people, as though this is a financially wise strategy. So far, I’ve not seen any successful boycotts from them. In fact, their protest usually involves paying a business for a product so they can record themselves destroying it. That’s not how it’s supposed to work! Lol!

And trying to block LGBTQ customers from spending their money at one of those bigoted businesses is also counter to making money.

Unfortunately, after nearly an entire year of lost revenue, most businesses are not going to stringently enforce their own mask-wearing policies. It would be fun to see a bunch of businesses claim their mask-wearing policies are based upon religious beliefs, so that the rwnjs would have to counter that narrative.

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