Dear Shep Smith; You still won this one...even if these dinks fire you. They don't deserve you. You're better than all of them. The majority of Americans are like you and get their TV News from CNN, MSNBC and others. FOX are weirdos. Don't debase yourself with weirdos.

MSNBC might be a bit "Lefty" for you but CNN would be perfect. I'm sure CNN would be more than happy to hire you.

We fact-based people actually respect and support you and see you as the "Token Good Team-mate" at "FAUX Noise". You're the oasis of legitimacy in a sea of stupidity. FOX viewership is faltering (due to many of them croaking from old age and a few realizing how stupid it is). If you want steady employment with awesome pay, I'm sure ol' Ted Turner's pioneering 24 hour news station would be glad to have you as a trusted anchor.

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It takes two fools to fool us from fox.. They love fooling around. Never spare a fool when you got sum serious fooling to do.

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Joseph diGenova, you keep Nancy Pelosi's dentures out of your mouth!

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Rudy might want to think about staying there.

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I think Alyson Camerota on CNN used to be a Fox femmebot. I think the turn to full on propaganda may have been a turnoff for her.

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Technically, he could.....

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So much for Paul Ryan trying to make Fox break with Trump, I guess.

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Wasn't that ridiculous? I mean she actually had the chance to completely redeem herself. Had the makeover, the story to go with it about being harassed by O'Reilly, all the magazine covers on normal type magazines, and all she had to do was not be a conservative tool. But when she turned out to be the tool, she had double the people furious with her--the ones who were willing to give her a chance were even more angry at being scammed.

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You don't have to watch--you can see it in the screen grab at the top of the article. Botox when used cosmetically, is usually injected to minimize lines in the forehead, wrinkles at the side of the eyes ("crows feet"), and around the mouth. When it's done skillfully and in the right measure, you don't see it, you just think "Man, Charlize Theron looks SO GREAT!"

Every actress over the age of about 30, and most actors over the age of 40 (unless they can cultivate the rugged Harrison-Ford-type look) has had it done. Look at their faces and you can see they are unusually smooth in just those places. That, plus regular facials, endless other skin treatments, stress-reduction (massages), $500 haircuts coupled with skillful hairpieces or hair weaves,and custom-cut clothes, and there's a reason someone like Jerry Seinfeld looks "rich" as oppose to the way he used to look.

And when it's overdone, it looks really weird. Especially in men--because we're more used to seeing women with makeup, with their "face on," but we accustomed to seeing wrinkles on a man's face, calling it, as I was saying "rugged" or "manly." (Try to imagine a woman letting herself look like Harrison). Here, he's overdone it so his face has a slightly waxy, fake look.

I live in LA so am very used to spotting it. (And used to slightly contemplating it at ever visit to the dermo haha). Pretty much everyone here over a certain age has had a little touch o' the Botox. A little, done right, looks great.

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He so dirty, he dirtier than the dirtiest mob boss

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He would be, actually. I lived through the Nixon administration and I can honestly say, he would be better than Trump. But of course a sack of gelatinous shit would be better than Trump.

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If you ever the chance to see Randy Rainbow live...DO IT. He was brilliant. Very funny and so well planned. Great backing band. Great audience interaction and he has a CD coming out for Xmas.


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Just when you thought Fox was playing BOTH SIDES, they play bOtH SidEs.

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They do have quite the monopoly on that market.

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He might even bring the bone saw himself....

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