Plenty of places we could repay the favor to the Russians: Eastern Ukraine, Syria, Libya. Russian operators are easy to find.

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The Republican Party exists to serve as checks and balances to the Democratic Party, because that’s our two-party system, and they both exist to serve EVERYONE, not just their donors and constituents. Tucker, why do you hate America????

So does this mean the Nazis are getting their messaging together, in time for the election? Why are they trying so desperately to save the Republican Party in this way? It’s not like we won’t allow them to exist, even after all they’ve done.

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In other Fox News, Ed Henry is getting charged with sexual harassment. Also, fired.

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Isn’t the whole point of being a Tucker not having a rod or a staff?

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"Weird LIBELZ!!1!", I said, removing my goat mask to take a sip of my broccoli-flavored iced tea.

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