It's for plausible deniability in case Junior tries to sue me. Not that it would do him any good after looking at my bank account.

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When has Klucker K. Karlson NOT been a fascist?

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A LOT! You do know these are SINGLE-SHOT pistols? I mean...once you fire one you gotta go get another one, right?

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"but we're WHITE, so that automajikally makes us the majority!"

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Oh I know!

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Such is life in the Salvador Dali painting called 'America'.

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Hallmark has a number of tasteful cards for just this situation. Look forward to the tie-in movie A Snorthing Coke off a Hooker's Ass Christmas.

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For some of you this will be any inside scoop, but so, so many people commit that exact felony. I live in Colorado. We have guns and we smoke weed, so a significant number of people here did what I did; they lied.

The check question specifically mentions that the state level legality of weed doesn't matter. If you smoke, and you pass a background check, then you are guilty of a felony.

Lest you get the wrong idea, I don't smoke pot while I'm operating a firearm and I keep my rifles unloaded and locked up at home (where I smoke).

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But...but...I thought they were against background checks, and totally in favor of lying! I'm really confused now.

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Once again, don't be looking this way, Mister

Oh, you said European, please disregard 😛🍑👸

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Does Little Lord Swansonboy have more than two facial expressions?

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Get thee to Group W!!!


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Well let's see.The actual Nazis of the 1930s in Germany gave as their excuses ...We lost a world war.We had the Treaty of Versailles imposed on us.Inflation is so high you need a wheelbarrow of currency to buy a loaf of bread.Unemployment is monstrous.Let's follow a fascist!I don't think, TUCKER, your excuse holds all that much water, TUCKER.And following a fascist didn't work out that well for Germany in the 1930s either.

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I'm kind of happy Republicans are going down this route, either endlessly whining about "cancel" culture and Dr. Seuss books, or whining about Hunter Biden, a private citizen, or trying to explain how the Capitol Hill rioters were just as peaceful as doves. Meanwhile, when it comes to actual policy and earning the goodwill of Americans, Biden is rolling right over them. As a Bernie voter, I am pleasantly surprised.

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No, it would just give them more crap to rant about.

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The, “if only she would have dinner ready on time I wouldn’t have to beat her,” defense is not a good excuse for going fascist, Fucker.

Especially since you have already gone fascist.

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