my feet stink and I don't love Jesus

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At one time, being pro-Communist made everyone think you were a traitor. Now it makes you a Republican. Go figure.

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Most of these GOP POS's lived through the cold war and think those were the "good ole days"..

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He also seems to put a lot of weight on. Now you can add fat to the insult du jour.

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Every time I or my siblings said that to Mom she'd say: "There's more truth said in jest.

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It must be heartbreaking to work so hard on an insightful political cartoon only to leave a typo in one of the balloons. But, who knew you had to proof cartoons?

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Fuck you, fucker tucker

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In supporting Donald Trump so consistently, Carlson is rooting for a wannabe autocrat who wishes he were Putin and loves other authoritarians, dictators and autocrats generally. This suggests that Carlson sec -- uh, not so secretly -- loves autocrats too.

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Tucker has sunk, is sinking, since the days of bow ties and crossfire talks. It isn't that not very good people all become the very same terrible person once they get on top at Faux, its definitely that the combination of growing/maturing awful persons on fully matured rotten faux news channel become this Hannity, Ingraham, Carlson, Oreilly thing.

They actually spend a lifetime to become that. Then their white supremacy and Russian assetedness comes to the fore. Jeebus, these are pre-ordained assholes without any visible pigment but clearly visible piggishness.

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Why does anyone take Fucker Snarlson seriously?

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Oh is Tucker shy? He shouldn't be, he should proudly own his support for Russia.

It's not a joke.

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There's an opioid crisis in the Middle East?


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Tucker, nobody would hire Drumpf because he's an incompetent asshole, and everything he touches turns to doo doo.

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Tucker should go back to filling aluminum trays with peas and Salisbury steak.

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Especially when he's been rooting for the authoritarian regime already annexed his country.

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