The entire Trump presidency was essentially criminal acts hiding as entertainment. It’s not enough that Fox has disclaimers stating their violence incitement and hate speech is entertainment. That should not be sufficient to protect them from legal action. What good is free speech when it is not protected from Nazis weaponizing it to the literal, physical detriment of others? When do we enforce the existing laws regarding free speech limitations? Or is it to go onto the pile of theoretical-laws along with Congressional subpoenas and sedition?
Would love to see the FBI add Fox News and its talking heads to the domestic terrorist list for attempting to radicalize viewers by pounding it into their heads that the real victims here are the insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol.
Calling AOC "Sandy" is the same tactic as calling Obama "Barry" all those years - it's diminutive, and dismissive of them as serious people. I can't wait for the tweet where AOC reams him out a new one (again).
Re: the Sandy thingWhat a surprise a kid went by a kid's nickname. How many Katies you knew are now Katherines as adults? How many Jimmys are James on their business cards? I grew up with a boy who everyone called Tiger. He's Ben now.
While I would never actually wish what Cucker is claiming to be true...
I do think it would be phenomenally satisfying (for just one brief moment), to see him dragged off by a Soviet style secret police, only to appear on TV a week later confessing to treason, sabotage, magatry, etc.
Oddly enough, I grew up with a boy everyone called Fred, and he still goes by Fred, even though his name is Michael. His middle and last names don’t bear any resemblance to Fred/Frederick, either. As far as I know it was just one of his older brother’s friends said, “You look more like a ‘Fred,’” one day, and it stuck. 🤷🏼♀️
"Narrowly escaped death," Carlson sarcastically declared. "When the most harrowing thing you've done in life is pass freshman sociology at Boston University, every day is a brand new drama! Sandy's heart is still beating fast!"
This from the chickenshit little turd who had to go get help to punch out a bum.
Somehow my daughter's nickname among her high school friends was "Fred." She's fairly feminine and her name is one that doesn't sound anything like Fred. None of us are quite sure how that happened.
We can only hope!. There must be some law re passing false information or unduly influencing viewers in order to incite. He doesn't deserve to have such a huge influence over so many when he is willingly deluding them. It's a giant responsibility and he's not up to it. Stupid and evil, even for Fox. They see the destruction that they helped to create, and their first instinct is to further incite?Yeah, methinks the FBI should be involved before they push their ideology any further. It's still radicalization even if it's targeting senior citizens. We have enough old men yelling at clouds or whatever. We don't need them making pipe bombs.
I want Sandy Cortez to go on Carlson’s show and do an interview. You know, like the kind Chris Hayes lets Mo Brooks do for some unfathomable reason? I want her to be on his show so I can rewatch her rip him to shreds. Bonus points if she makes him cry.
Is the fact that one side is fomenting sedition on a grand scale enough of a reason to bring back the fairness doctrine?
The entire Trump presidency was essentially criminal acts hiding as entertainment. It’s not enough that Fox has disclaimers stating their violence incitement and hate speech is entertainment. That should not be sufficient to protect them from legal action. What good is free speech when it is not protected from Nazis weaponizing it to the literal, physical detriment of others? When do we enforce the existing laws regarding free speech limitations? Or is it to go onto the pile of theoretical-laws along with Congressional subpoenas and sedition?
Would love to see the FBI add Fox News and its talking heads to the domestic terrorist list for attempting to radicalize viewers by pounding it into their heads that the real victims here are the insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol.
Calling AOC "Sandy" is the same tactic as calling Obama "Barry" all those years - it's diminutive, and dismissive of them as serious people. I can't wait for the tweet where AOC reams him out a new one (again).
Re: the Sandy thingWhat a surprise a kid went by a kid's nickname. How many Katies you knew are now Katherines as adults? How many Jimmys are James on their business cards? I grew up with a boy who everyone called Tiger. He's Ben now.
Couldn’t be anyone over at Fox is getting a little bit...nervous?
While I would never actually wish what Cucker is claiming to be true...
I do think it would be phenomenally satisfying (for just one brief moment), to see him dragged off by a Soviet style secret police, only to appear on TV a week later confessing to treason, sabotage, magatry, etc.
Let's call him Tucks. He is after all like a hemorrhoid.
Oddly enough, I grew up with a boy everyone called Fred, and he still goes by Fred, even though his name is Michael. His middle and last names don’t bear any resemblance to Fred/Frederick, either. As far as I know it was just one of his older brother’s friends said, “You look more like a ‘Fred,’” one day, and it stuck. 🤷🏼♀️
If Tucker was a Mooslim, his speech would likely be considered material support for terrorism. Lucky for him he’s a white male. Allegedly.
"Narrowly escaped death," Carlson sarcastically declared. "When the most harrowing thing you've done in life is pass freshman sociology at Boston University, every day is a brand new drama! Sandy's heart is still beating fast!"
This from the chickenshit little turd who had to go get help to punch out a bum.
Somehow my daughter's nickname among her high school friends was "Fred." She's fairly feminine and her name is one that doesn't sound anything like Fred. None of us are quite sure how that happened.
We can only hope!. There must be some law re passing false information or unduly influencing viewers in order to incite. He doesn't deserve to have such a huge influence over so many when he is willingly deluding them. It's a giant responsibility and he's not up to it. Stupid and evil, even for Fox. They see the destruction that they helped to create, and their first instinct is to further incite?Yeah, methinks the FBI should be involved before they push their ideology any further. It's still radicalization even if it's targeting senior citizens. We have enough old men yelling at clouds or whatever. We don't need them making pipe bombs.
I want Sandy Cortez to go on Carlson’s show and do an interview. You know, like the kind Chris Hayes lets Mo Brooks do for some unfathomable reason? I want her to be on his show so I can rewatch her rip him to shreds. Bonus points if she makes him cry.
That pile is really piling up.