"Good people on both sides."

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Getting olde does sometimes suck...

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How did we wind up with a country in which an infantile blowhard has millions of people believing every word he says?

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Trump would never run with scissors because Trump can't run.

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Tucker also did a segment calling the metric system a form of socialist tyranny, which apparently stopped just short of him claiming he gets 40 rods to the hogshead, and that's the way he likes it.

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Don't even get me fucking started, dude.

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The thing to remember when you hear people talking about "limited federal power" or "small government" is that they are referring to very specific moments in US history. That is, times when the federal government was limited in its ability mostly to prevent white people from being shitty to other people. For example:

-The period when the federal government was unable to prevent slave-owners and pro-slavery partisans from flooding the Kansas territory, and unable to respond to the violence that resulted

-Similarly, when the government was unable to manage the flow of people into California during the '49 gold rush, and unable to protect he native peoples and Mexicans who already lived there

-Then of course, there is the failure of Reconstruction, which was not so much a failure of centralized power, but in fact its sabotage by Congress

-At the same time, "small government" was unable to prevent the encroachment of white settlers onto the lands set aside for indigenous people, leading directly to the Indian Wars of the 1870s

-Limits to federal powers also permitted the southern states to set up Jim Crow, and the systematic violation of black people's civil rights throughout the 20th century (not to mention lynching, race riots in Philadelphia, Chicago, Tulsa, Rosewood, Little Rock, etc.)

-There's also the Gilded Age, the Robber Barons, and the establishment of the economic system that led directly to the Great Depression. Lack of government intervention (the anti-trust acts notwithstanding) was not only a major cause of this, it also contributed to the persistence of its effects (such as the failure of Hoover's response to the Depression). While this had an impact on whites and non-whites alike, it was especially hard on groups that were already socially and economically disadvantaged.

By contrast, strong federal government led the US out of the Great Depression, defeated Fascism, and created one of the greatest periods of prosperity in US history.

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So is "white," while we're at it.

I've said this before and I'll say it again--Republicans do waaaaaaay more "identity politics" than Democrats have ever done. We just don't collectively tend to think about "white heterosexual Christian Americans" in that way.

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Can you still get arrested for poppers?

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Yes indeed! As I said elsewhere about Carlson's bizarre "metric" rant: "it just goes to show you that, as a journalist, Carlson simply doesn't measure up".

And now that he's misinterpreting Elizabeth Warren, I wonder what else is "afoot".

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My dad loves big government now that he's collecting Social Security and not paying into it. "Put a lot of money into that, I deserve it," he says, failing to adjust for inflation.

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Pandas can only eat one thing and don't want to fuck. If any species wants to be extinct, it's them.

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I'm going with molly, at the clubs.

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maybe because he is not, and never has been, a journalist. As a child of journalists people like Carlson using that moniker pisses me off

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Ah, so.eone who has not been introduced to the kakapo, the flightless bird so dumb it's forgotten how to mate

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Is someone actually amused listening to Tucker Carlson equivocate and dither his life away on camera. Someone actually pays him to do that? There's something wrong here.

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