What kind of coffee were they drinking?

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Ohio started doing this crap - giving recipes for soup and how to keep occupied during self-quarantine. I don't want that. Hold your presser if you have important news for us, otherwise go back to work.

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It's interesting Tucker should say this because, from what I'm seeing, the Democrats and their silly impeachment are being blamed for the slow response, and the (left wing) media is being blamed for criticizing the administration's response. It seems like they actually would like to blame Democrats for the pandemic.

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FB is not the government. Ergo, they can censor as they please. Fox is not a news outlet. They are entertainment.You can't scream 'fire' in a crowded theatre. People get hurt. Fox has been screaming for decades.The free market has decided not to humor them. At last.

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And lupus. Which is a killer.

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If they survive.

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It was over when they chose a penis over a brain.

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"Is the drug known for certain to be effective? No it's not. But some doctors and researchers on the front lines Donald Trump think(s) it works and (we are here to serve him without question.)"

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But if people and corporations are held accountable for their words, how will anyone every feel free to spout dangerous bullshit again? They might, like, have to THINK about the consequences of their words in advance. IT'S THE DEATH KNELL OF LIBERTY!!

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Ta, Robyn. I've never seen the frozen food heir on TV; only here at Wonkette. I knew him for a moron back in his days at Russ Smith's rightwing rag, NY Press (which had some great comic artists, but only one half-decent writer).

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I think that he and all the other assholes in right wing media know full well that this and most of what they say are total bullshit.

But they also know that their idiot audience will fall for it completely, especially when repeated and cross referenced on other FN shows and right wing outlets. Those people will then reinforce it with their friends and post it on stupid social media, and argue to the death with anyone that disagrees.

To some degree, this then becomes conventional wisdom for a large number of people. Even with zero basis in truth - I think even the right wingers that do know better just let it ride, because the lies usually serve their purposes better than the truth anyway, and that’s the most important thing.

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Robyn, be fair, if we stopped everyone who puts out inaccurate information, Tucker would have been long out of a job.

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The Wingnuts of our grandparent's era hated Tropic of Cancer, because of a this woman getting wet in a taxi during a steamy make out session. And how far we've come? Not very much, I'm afraid. In Britain, you can still go to jail for possessing squirt videos.

The human heart never changes. It was bad yesterday and it's bad now.

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Weren't the postal obscenity laws used to keep people from mailing information about birth control? As for Tucker, I wouldn't ask his opinion about a frozen chicken pot pie.

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That's it , writ small: Useful lies, broadcast like airborne shit. *head desk*

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His drag name is Tara Reade

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