It worked out real well for the US the last time we fought Canada. Of course, since that happened more than five minutes ago, it never happened in the minds of Tuckum's viewers.
I guarantee you Tucker didn't know the first thing about Rwanda while all of that was going on. I guarantee you he couldn't have pointed to it on a map before 5 years ago. (I'm being charitable) He's being deliberately disingenuous by using this comparison while also attacking LBGTQ in the same way he's accusing MSNBC of doing And he knows it. He's well aware that his audience can't tell the difference.
Nonsense. What will kill us is attempts to legislate free expression according to our own personal rules.
Of course 1A was intended to protect the likes of Tucker Carlson. Free speech is only protected when the most unpopular speech is protected. This is why the ACLU rightly defended neo-Nazis marching in Skokie (a suburb with many Jewish residents).
Other countries in Europe with restricted speech have also had a slightly bigger problem than the US with, youknow, fascism and totalitarianism - by which I do not mean assholes in state legislatures trying to pass laws that get overturned in the courts. I mean actual fascism. Intolerance breeds intolerance.
What you're proposing is the equivalent of what Christians are always trying to do with respect to non-Christian religions in the US: restrict the fundamental freedom of worship, create categories and a scale of what is permissible, and impose policing of that rule. But there's a reason religion flourishes in the US - far more than in most western countries: separation of church and state is good for both. The same is true of speech. Welcome to the difficult world of toleration.
I once knew a much better Tucker. Tucker Hatfield. He was a game developer who worked for Dynamix back in the day. He was one of the more senior guys in QA and worked closely with the programmers earlier in projects than us grunts. He was a super nice guy. Really friendly. Always welcomed new people. A consummate geek, he was one of those people who lived computer games. Not video games - computer games, complex 1990s era strategy computer games. He often wore a captain's hat. I lost contact with him after Dynamix imploded. He never surfaced on the Dynamix group on Facebook. We heard he passed away a few years ago. Fuck *ucker Carlson. I knew a good Tucker.
Although, those were mainly just a bunch of Irish veterans from the US Civil War waking up in Southern Ontario and going, "What were we drinking last night?"
Tucker Carlson is the gaslight beneath my wings.
Does he eat dogs?
On the first date, you mean?
I prefer taking them to a drag show... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
"Defenestration from the tenth floor, honey,Try to be ready 'bout half-past eight..."
he is creating his own audience
That's what she said.
It worked out real well for the US the last time we fought Canada. Of course, since that happened more than five minutes ago, it never happened in the minds of Tuckum's viewers.
I guarantee you Tucker didn't know the first thing about Rwanda while all of that was going on. I guarantee you he couldn't have pointed to it on a map before 5 years ago. (I'm being charitable) He's being deliberately disingenuous by using this comparison while also attacking LBGTQ in the same way he's accusing MSNBC of doing And he knows it. He's well aware that his audience can't tell the difference.
Ta, Evan. It’s your job to watch this shit, not mine. For that I’m grateful.
Does Joe Biden eat dogs? Do I eat dogs?? I'm so confused...
Nonsense. What will kill us is attempts to legislate free expression according to our own personal rules.
Of course 1A was intended to protect the likes of Tucker Carlson. Free speech is only protected when the most unpopular speech is protected. This is why the ACLU rightly defended neo-Nazis marching in Skokie (a suburb with many Jewish residents).
Other countries in Europe with restricted speech have also had a slightly bigger problem than the US with, youknow, fascism and totalitarianism - by which I do not mean assholes in state legislatures trying to pass laws that get overturned in the courts. I mean actual fascism. Intolerance breeds intolerance.
What you're proposing is the equivalent of what Christians are always trying to do with respect to non-Christian religions in the US: restrict the fundamental freedom of worship, create categories and a scale of what is permissible, and impose policing of that rule. But there's a reason religion flourishes in the US - far more than in most western countries: separation of church and state is good for both. The same is true of speech. Welcome to the difficult world of toleration.
Oh yeah, and ate most of it.
I once knew a much better Tucker. Tucker Hatfield. He was a game developer who worked for Dynamix back in the day. He was one of the more senior guys in QA and worked closely with the programmers earlier in projects than us grunts. He was a super nice guy. Really friendly. Always welcomed new people. A consummate geek, he was one of those people who lived computer games. Not video games - computer games, complex 1990s era strategy computer games. He often wore a captain's hat. I lost contact with him after Dynamix imploded. He never surfaced on the Dynamix group on Facebook. We heard he passed away a few years ago. Fuck *ucker Carlson. I knew a good Tucker.
Um...Putin doesn't exactly fire people for disagreeing with him.
Maybe he set one or two on fire.
Joseph "Shorty" Goebbels.
Three, if you include the Fenian raids.
Although, those were mainly just a bunch of Irish veterans from the US Civil War waking up in Southern Ontario and going, "What were we drinking last night?"