A white woman voting for Barack Obama >² Tucker's tiny penis (with accompanying tiny bow tie).

Fixed it for ya...

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I think I'd like a nothingburger, actually. This shitburger they've keep serving is fucking nasty.

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I'm just talkin' bout Carlson

Shut your mouth!

No, really. Shut up about that bowtie cockring buttdouche. Not kidding.

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"we have government so we don't fling poo at eachother to settle an argument."

This may explain the teabaggers' dislike of government.

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Smilin' Chuckie Manson?

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I know this has probably given Tucker his first boner all year, but I'm trying to un-imagine that image.

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Found a YouTube video, did they? That is some mighty impressive, major-league investigative reporting! I bet those pros even used the Googlez!

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Do they have a Pantone scale, like the old Afrikaaners did, for deciding how racist to be?

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How did the wingtards, somewhere along the road to rightwingnuttistan, manage to forget that we as a nation are self-governed? They act as if "Big Gubmint" was some sort of evil, alien force that they have to wage war on (and not just with votes.)

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Whatever Miffed Money does, you can be sure it will be playing to the base, rather than appealing to the middle-of-the-road swing-state undecided voters. This is sheer, inexplicable idiocy, and this is why he's going to get his ass handed to him on election day.

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The IRL's Indy Racing League?

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Nice to know he went and packed sand, without having to be told to.

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Ewwwh...now you made me think of Walnuts & Ham Biscuits....Do not want...

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No, rice. The Coup d'Etat comes with noodles.

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Indeed, I would say that this story underscores Romney's campaign problems. When this is the kind of defense you have, you're in serious trouble.

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