Or maybe they think that all education is indoctrination, and they want to control what their children learn -- or, more importantly, don't learn. Can't have Junior hearing about slavery, or any other subject the right doesn't want to teach; it might turn him into a Democrat (or even worse, a socialist!), and then Republican Jesus will send him to hell with all the other liberals. And it'll be all your fault, libtards!

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Maybe that would be 60% CRT?

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(After-school-time conversation):

"How was school today? "What did you do?"

"Go watch the video."(Slams bedroom door).....

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This may sound blasphemous and I assure you I do not mean to offend here but I think the job of monitoring classrooms for "offensive content" that would upset RWNJs might be a good job for someone like me. It would have to be a government job with benefits. It would be done in an air-conditioned building. And I would be able to get plenty of sleep so I could party when I went home.

I'll bet I could even persuade my supervisor to let me bring in a cot and my kitty cat.

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Brilliantly subversive. I'd like to be the first to volunteer to be your supervisor.

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:>) The pay is great and your job duties will be pretty minimal.

But you have to bring your own cot and cat.

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Are we allowed to teach our kids that a lot of the "Founding Fathers" hated each other? How about the Federalist belief that the vast majority of people are too stupid to govern themselves (also known as the reason there is no longer a Federalist Party)? Can we point out that the independence movement started out less as a concern about high minded ideals, and more about money for a burgeoning colonial aristocracy? I mean, while we're being true to our values.

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I would love to be your assistant...as long as the pay is sufficient and I don't actually have to show up.

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I. Just. Can't.

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I say we put all the teacher body cams on youtube and call it "karenvision" and let these racist morons watch it all day, they just might learn something

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America is exceptional in that it's supposed to have been founded in a way that other nation-states aren't - which is to say, without a unifying ethnicity or religion or language. Which is kinda ironic considering the people complaining about CRT want there to be a unifying ethnicity, religion and language.

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Stephen's paragraph that begins with the sentence "Conservatives don't do complicated." is excellent.

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Well, see, they'll save money in the long run because they can use the video "evidence" showing that public schools are hotbeds of indoctrination and then they'll just defund public education and turn everything into for profit private schools. Problem solved!

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NB: They only want to see the genitalia of girls' sports teams and persons entering a girls locker or rest room.

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Arvo Part, Spiegel im Spiegel

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Do you know how many words Inuit have for snow? Critical Ice Theory

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