Best Wonkette piece since the one vilifying Trig Palin, the one that got, what, thirty sponsors to drop Wonkette a few years ago? I see you guys are still in the gutter.

I saw the TV interview with Lauren Duca. She was pathetic, finally reduced to bleating "partisan hack" before Carlson mercifully shut her down.

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To me, journalism containing multiple profanities isn't journalism. It's TRASH! I'm a gay conservative and I defend Tucker Carlson and his right to punch out a gay guy in the restroom, who I can be sure without even hearing the story, did something to provoke him. He is a great commentator and a voice of reason who applies logic to debate, which means, to all dems, he's a racist, sexist, misog--blah, blah, blahhhh... (yawn).

Try writing for all audiences if you wish to be taken seriously. And if you want to attack a racist journalist who distorts the facts, there are plenty on the left, including, but not limited to, Rachel Madcow.

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We don't really care what journalism is to you. You've admitted you think Tucker Carlson is a voice of reason. Why would we ever write for an audience like that?

Go away if swears bother you so much, we fuckin' like 'em.

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It makes perfect sense to me, since lies and swears go hand in hand. Abysmal human beings with no moral compass...why would you want to write for an audience like me? Maybe because decency is making a comeback, and getting with the program might just ensure that you're writing for someone other than yourself. I wouldn't expect you to understand. You're nowhere near the place where our society is heading.

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The fact remains that he works for a giant empire like FOX News, and you work for "wonkette.com." (LMAO). He is known and respected by millions. You are known and respected by NO ONE. There's a clear and obvious reason for that. You're irrelevant!

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You sad little thing, you really think I care what you think about our little mommy-blog and recipe hub?

It's impressive that you worked up the courage to defend your crush, Tucker "the banal moron" Carlson. I'm sorry that it took you five months to do so. Better luck next time, Timothy.

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So typical of a liberal BASTION of free speech to block a sad little thing like me (Timothy Corder) from posting to this site. You tolerant left-wingers are so scared of anyone challenging your opinions. If you can't win an argument on merit, just silence your opponent. We all know how that works! Pathetic! It's okay...I really have nothing further to say beyond my original point, which you've conveniently underscored for me.

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You haven't gained any knowledge from THIS "article." That's for sure!

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Ah, I see your problem. You are under the impression that this is an argument. It isn't. It is just clean-up on aisle three.

That's what we do when some sad little thing like you (Timothy Corder) decides to try to spark up a debate on a post that is over five months old.

News for ya buddy, only you and I are seeing any of this, and rather than try to monitor you as you dig up years old articles to which you would like to add your hay-penny of thoughts, I'll just block you.

This has nothing to do with tolerance, just simple house-keeping. Go be a turd on someone else's porch.

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The only thing my kitties like to realign is my scars.

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I have never been more comfortable drinking pre-mixed mudslide out of a plastic bottle in my life.

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Сделать Америку великой Снова

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That's a good way to lose an arm in this household.

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I could do my job from home, and I would LOVE to do my job from home, but the culture at this office really doesn't jibe with it. I am jealous of your non-pants-wearing ways. Keep at it for those of us you have left behind!

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Why do I suspect that Tucker's bathroom encounter went down (snrggk!) more like https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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