His viewers must be unfathomably dumb to buy the often self-contradictory bullshit he blathers out every night.

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White nationalists love Putin, for some strange reason that no doubt has nothing to do with Putin supporting neonazi movements worldwide.

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Who's this "We" he keeps talking about? Did Tuck switch pronouns? Or is it the Royal "we?"

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Tucker’s point is: “Because Putin never called Tucker a racist, it’s OK for him to invade Ukraine and commit war crimes.”

How does he know Putin never called him a racist? Putin is a psychopath but he has eyes and he isn’t stupid.

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He's like an old-school TV dinner, in the microwave

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"...overgrown twink-past-its-sell-by-date sidepiece" seems a little harsh.

...but we'll allow it!

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Um…does he think Black people are 400 years old? Because most would have to be in order to not “live here or [be] born here.”

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