Carlson is the reigning champ of “most punchable face,” ten years running.

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“Flight risk”. Or not. Mmmmm. Manafort had what? three passports from as many countries. That we know of.

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Stone more resembles Mad Hatter to me. The Penguin has way more dignity than Roger Stone. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Just Google it. There are lists out there of his advertisers.

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Probably the reverse mortgage scammers, gold and catheter salespeople.

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our justice system has been infected by politics

Gosh! Has anyone notified Bill Barr about this?

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Eh, depends on which Penguin you're looking at. (I do love Burgess Meredith, though.) https://uploads.disquscdn.c...


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Revealing my age perhaps...https://images-na.ssl-image...

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I remember reading some of those in Heavy Metal magazine when I was a teen. I'd dig them out and read them again, except my wife finally convinced me to dispose of them several years ago.

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The only relevant question for modern Republicans is whether you stand with Trump.

Oh look, liberals and conservatives can agree on something!

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"True, she didn't offer him a massage or anything. . . ."

Not even a fruit basket?!?!

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"He warned that if 'they can do this to Roger Stone and win accolades from CNN as they do, they can certainly do this to you. Maybe some day, they will'."

Ah, yes, the ubiquitously ominous THEY. (Or THEM, as the case might be.)

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WTAF? The poor bastards had to sit in their OWN living rooms, watching their OWN big screen, eating food from their OWN kitchen, shitting in their OWN toilet without 10 other people watching them, before sleeping in their OWN BEDS?!? OH THE FUCKING HUMANITY!! WILL NO ONE THINK OF THE POOR TRUMP TOADIES?!?!!

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What? And give him a dangerous shock? He'd reel and stagger, and he's shockingly overweight. His heart may not be strong.

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"Nine judges in black robes." That's probably meant to evoke images of the Inquisition. Somehow I don't see a resemblance between Judge Jackson and Torquemada. Of course I don't have the clear perception of Tucker Carlson.

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Hillary Clinton IS the Deep State, with Fu Manchu and his Si-Fan organization subordinate to her, like Immortal Hydra and SPECTRE. She runs it all. Probably COBRA too, though I haven't been able to confirm that. Nor should you denigrate the idea that the moon is made of green cheese.

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