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I'm more inclined to believe that Tucker faps to that picture of Steven Spielberg posing with the dead triceratops

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I get my meat at the local supermarket, which is well-stocked with gazelle-burger provided by blonde, Belgian bimbos. In this neck of the woods we LUV our blonde-Belgian-bimbo-burgers!

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That is an oryx, not a gazelle. Words with complex sounds are not allowed on Fox.

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Wow, person with blonde hair and some legs, that brush that you use to paint all Southern women is so iinnnteresting. I do know there are a few Southern belles that would faint clean away at the sight of critter carnage, but I'm sure your generalizations are otherwise super-accurate.

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Sometimes the free market doesn't work they way it should, instead of listening to Tucker about it's marketing it listens to it's actual customers. Clearly they will be gone in chapter 11 before the day is over.

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What? No French surrender jokes? Tucker must be mesmerized by underage nookie.

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"This should be an ad campaign: Buy L’Oreal for your wife or girlfriend, look at this model here."

Don Draper would throw Tucker Carlson out of the building for suggesting something so dumb. Then he'd fuck the model.

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She <i>does</i> have the phallus substitute conservatives love.

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"For what happens to the children of man and what happens to the beasts is the same; as one dies, so dies the other. They all have the same breath, and man has no advantage over the beasts, for all is vanity."

Why does the Bible hate Tucker Carlson?

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Yes, my husband always buys my hair colour! For heaven's sake, what century does this asshole live in, anyway?

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