You're too ignorant to talk with...fuck along now. Good night.

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Ohhhkay. So I'm probably wrong again.

Hint: "Parody" implies that you do not actually believe the stuff you say.

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Shortstop, short leg, same diff... sorta ;)

Can you imagine what the people who call Jim Bunning a mean pitcher would think if they saw Curtley Ambrose in action at his peak, let alone Harold Larwood?

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I thought Ron Paul was busy running for president.

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Let me tell you, that will not go over well. Gonna make it hell for the rest of us just trying to go to the Qwickie Mar......

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I don't know if this is a roundabout attempt at snark. If not, I can understand some of your white angst. I often felt that way about the population I taught at a school for at-risk teens.

Except all of my Springer-ettes were white..


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I'ma vote that this is a very straight-faced parody. Reasons:

1. The spelling and grammar are excellent, except for the isolated segments that aren't.

2. "edumacated".

But, then, I am pretty gullible.

Edit: Also, reply fail. This was supposed to be a reply to WonkCynic.

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does anyone else think maybe we should let tucker carlson die a slow agonizing death from neglect?

this has absolutely nothing to do with skull fucking.

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How long before we get to the point where racist wingnut shenanigans become so exponentially insane that Our Serious And Knowledgeable Betters tell us that the President should just resign now “for the good of the country” rather than risk his “divisive and polarizing” re-election to a second term?

Five gets you seven that column is already on Bobo's hard drive.

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I don't know how much more douchebaggery our poor country can take.

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Oh, for fuck's sake.

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And I would imagine the RNC registers voters at gun shows, monster truck rallies, and faith healers!

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But but but but VOTER FRAUD! Black Panthers! ACORN!

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I'm glad someone else reads the daily caller so I don't have to.

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You're too ignorant to talk with...fuck along now. Good night.

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Ohhhkay. So I'm probably wrong again.

Hint: "Parody" implies that you do not actually believe the stuff you say.

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