Why is Joni Ernst child but not others, Tucker? Is it because vagina?

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Not just Tucker:


I feel like the under reported story in all of this is how much Russian bullshit is still behind everything happening on team Q. I think the media are stupid enough to think Mueller exculpated Trump, when “NO COLLUSION” couldn’t have been further from the actual case.

Someone needs to ask Ron Johnson right now why the fuck were you in Moscow on July 4, 2018

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So, besides peeners the Tucker also is scared of vaginas?

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You’re right! Tucker looks like a golden retriever who sees or hears something perplexing ... like Tucker giving his opinion on anything.

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Why does "Hillary would have been worse" come to mind? Or "Better Russian than Democrat." We have just left SO much insanity in the rearview mirror.

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Tucker’s bow tie has a webcam for Putin. He sees EVERYTHING.

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