“he can't separate his M&Ms by color so he doesn't inadvertently eat a male M&M and accidentally get hard-shelled candy cock in his mouth.”

This sentence shows why Evan is the best and all others just wish they could be him.

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Yah. Pet peeve--conflating the Soviet Union with a hypercapitalist kleptostate run amok.

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Tucker is a turd.

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If Russia overthrew Putin in a peaceful revolution, had free and fair elections, and became a democratic utopia, Tucker would insist they be nuked.

He’s not working in our best interests, shall we say.

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He is far more the Moscow Prince gathering in the Russian Lands than international proletarian revolutionary.

Think Ivan the Terrible and his boyars, not the Bolsheviks.

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In Soviet Russia, Tucker invades you!

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Wow, its a great article. Thank you Evan, I needed that. Specifically the part about Tucker pulling it out of green M+M to notice global politics.

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Tucker needs to go on a long unannounced vacation for a few decades.

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500 Courics worth!

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That Sleepy Joe is also such a war monger.

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I dunno. Evan can point out Tucker's masculinity issues all he wants. He can point out that Fox's core demographic are now Neo-Fascist Evelangelival Dominionists these days. He can point out that Putin is the Ur-Fascist of these times, the big daddy of them all, an a natural rock star for all the wannabes.

All that would be true. But I still find Tucker's naked slobbering and propogandizing of Putin and Orban as highly suspicious...as in unregistered foriegn agent suspicious. Which is a Federal crime, by the way, a variety of Treason. Is someone looking at his finances and his contacts?

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Shit, white supremacy is as American as apple pie so it's no wonder 1/3 of white people love Putin. Fuck them.

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Well, he was foaming about the NSA/FBI spying on him back in July. Maybe he had good reason to be worried.


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Can you name one war that Joe voted against since he's been in politics?

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Ooh, I forgot about that. We need some high-profile trials.

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