What. The actual. Fuck.

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You owe me a new laptop. I'm tired of picking barf chunks outta this one.

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That's OK. For the places he'll go they'll just be holding doors, cleaning rooms and serving drinks. No prob.

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"...maybe something whimsical carved out of a coconut."

Perhaps the three monkeys for the judge: See no evil, hear no evil, convict no rich white guy.

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i kinda figured that but i try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

i thought it was weird Bates mistaken the .357 Magnum for a taser, but even then, i was like ok maybe it was a bad mistake, but now, with the pretend-a-cop dude going on vacation after killing a dude, im starting to doubt his story all the more.

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There's no cronyism in the Tulsa "justice" department. This wealthy donor simply got what every other Oklahoma resident would get if in a similar situation. It's not his fault all those other people accused of killing a man hadn't already booked a Caribbean vacation. Geeeezzzz....

Did I lay that on thick enough? Hope so. I left a little sauce here in the jar.

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Especially since an article immediately after this happened quoted the wanna-be cop as saying he had his taser in an inside pocket on his left side and his gun on his right hip.

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Do you think he will come back?

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If it's really bette in the Bahamas take a look at www.goingbahamas.comBye

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I sort of doubt that we have an extradition treaty with the Bahamas so I suspect that the Bahamas have a new citizen.

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In his interview with Matt Lauer Bates explained how his taser was carried on his chest and his revolver at his hip. He said anyone could have mistakenly pulled one for the other.

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I know under certain circumstances they don't allow people to drive. I'm thinkin' "Wild Bill" might be discouraged not to carry a gun as well.

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I know its amazing what the cops have been given lic to have and do. Cop wanna be's paying to play cop and cop shops purchasing or being given military hardware. Paying lobbyist to legislate laws and create more agencies that can arrest and murder and people just now understanding wth is going on. All the while cop shops doing their best to flood the airwaves with good cop stories and influence public opinion that has just about had all they can take from republican law & order profiteers. It's about freakin time.

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He's probably coming back... I mean, after all, why not? It's not like he's going to face any kind of punishment for what he did.

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Awwww, my heart bleeds for him.

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I vote we keep him in jail like the poors that can't afford bail.

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